1 minute read
Junius Brown, Vice-President of the Pacific Lumber Company, has arrived on the Pacific Coast and after'a few days in the San Francisco office left for the company's mill at Scotia. P. C. McNevin, General Sales Manager, and R. F. Hamilton, Western Sales Manager, have also left for Scotia to discuss business matt€rs with Mr. Brown.
Arlington Mill Being Enlarged
J. E. Winship & Sons of Arlington have completed arrangements for extensive improvements and.enlargements to'their planing mill, at Arlington. A complete battery of new machines will be instal'led and other betterments introduced to make the plant one of the most modern in Southern California.
Forests Source Of Great Wealth
Few people appreciate the fact that our forests are one of California's chief sources of wealth. They yield an annual return of from 50 to @ million dollars worth of timber; they give employment to 't\ousands of workmen ; they protect the watersheds upon which cities and, ranches are dependent for their domestic and irrigation water supply; they furnish forage for thousands of cattle and sheep; they are the natural home of our fast-disappearing wild lif.e; they are the great vacation playgrounds for more than two milli,ons of our. citizens; in short, tley are inseparably linked