2 minute read
Lumber Dealer's Plan Sefvice Has Revolutionized Small Homes
Drive through the new residence district of YOUR town today.
Drive through the new residence district of almost ANY town in these United States where there is one or more live lumber dealer.
And if 5rou have any sense of appreciation of beautiful thirgs you will actually thrill with pleasure and pride at the wonderful character and appearance of the small homes' that you see.
Have you ever done that, and stopped to think what a marvelous difference there is between those homes today, and the so,rt of homes you found in t"hat same sort of a district just a very few short years ago?
Think it over!
Gone is the box-car type of house.
Gone is the place that is merely "shelter from the elen:,ents."
Gone is the poorly ventilated, poorly arranged, poorly equipped, poorly decorated home of the past.
Gone is the little home covered with unattractive co'lors of paint and satin.
Gone is the house without sufficient windows, porches, etc.
Gone are these relics of the PRE-PLAN BOOK DAYS. 'ih"r" things-and many otheJs-left when the moderrl practical, attractive, brain-created plan book of the present day carne into vogue.
If you want to know whonr tro thank for this delightful change that has taken place in that fundamental foundation of this nation's strength-the small home-you can just offer up a little prayer o'f gratitude to the plan book man, and to the modern retail lurnber dealer.
For it is the retail lurnrber dealer's p,lan bo,ok *rat has revolutionized t-he small home building business 'oT tliiB whole 'nation, changing it inside and out, up one side and down the other, in every way and fnom every viewpoint from which you may safely judge-a home.
Not only has the lumrber dealer's plan book given men of small means more attractive, more co'rnfortable, more healthful, and more satisfacto,ry homes to LIVE IN, buf these very assets have do'ne more:-they have given the small home a much greater loan value and re-sale value than the same price home used to have when it was unattractively buil,t.
Think t}tat point over.
The modern plan book is one of the greatest blessings that the present age has given to the Am'erican people. The American of snrall means can provide for his family a home that has better ventiiation, more conveniences, more s'olid comfort, and more attractiveness of appearance than any Emperor of the old days could ever incorporate into a palace-because they didn't know how. They had no modern retail lumber dealer's plan book to guide them'
Now and then you hear men wonder "if 'there is'anything to this plan book thing for. lumber .dealers."
There's more to it than there is to your entire stock of lumber, Mr. Lumber Dealer, because in this book is inco:p'orated the IDEA; and the IDEA is the essence of home satisfaction
Good Says Business Is Good
Among the livest dealers in central California is George A. Good, manager of the Good Lumber Company at Tracy. Mr. Good operates an up-to-date yard in a steadily growing community and enjoys a substantial share of the trade in his part of the state. He predicts a bigger volume of business lhrough the present year than last, although old 1922 was no mean provider when measuring the orders placed with the retail 1'ards of California. Mr. Good says the farmers in his territory are prosperous 'and believes they will be- in the market-for a lot of building material in the next few months.
Black Preparing For Good Business Year
E. E. Black, proprietor of the Black Lumber Company at Indio, was a recent visitor in Los Angeles and reported that prospects for business in his territory-in fact -all through Riverside county-are particula.rly -promising fo.r the nJw year. Mr. Black recently associated himself with \\r. V. \\ hitson in purchasing the \'Vtritehead Brothers yarcl at Santa Ana. but lvill continue to reside at Indio.