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Plans and Progress What Busy California Lumber Here and There Folks Are Talking About

Many Lumbermen Watch Shingle Staining Machine In Operation

A great many lumbermen have called at the plant of the Hanawalt Spairtaihg company on Santa Fe avenue, Los Angeles, in the last few weeks to see the new shingle staining machine recently installed there in operation.

The dried shingles are dipped into a vat of prepared stains a bundle at a time and are held i,mmersed in the liquid only long enough to allow them to soak thoroughly. Then they are taken out ahd placed inside a revolving drum for about 30 seconds. This throws all the excess moisture off and ,conserves it. After a day or so of drying in an open-air shed they are ready for use.

Since starting operations Barrett Hanawalt, manager of the enterprise, has broken open numerous bundles of shingles to determine whether the staining was uniform throughout, and found that even those shingles in the center of the bundle and those under the band-sticks were of the same bright color as those on the outside.

Hammatt Visits Sacramento District

R. F. Hammatt, secretary-manager of the California Redwood Association, went to Sacramento one day last week to call on the retail lumber dealers in that territory. He took delight in viewing their redwood supplies and their orders for redwood.

Ardtuoiid Inside Fiiiis

,Suggesf this to your customerr

A room or two finiehed in hardwood will grcatly cnhance the value of a houge, whereas, duc to the slight amount of lumber required, it adda very littlc to the coat.

For $50 to $200 per room over thc coet of Pinc your client can have genuinc hardwood woodwork. A prominent contractor figuring a living room | 8x28 ft. with elaborate millwork, eepecially run mouldingE, a 33-in veneered panel base, €vcr]. thing of the begt, gave thc owner a 6gure in either Quartered Gum, Koa, Quartered Oak or Mahogany of $ | 30 higher than Pine.

Ylfc cen trhe crrc of your hrrdwood nccdr pronptly end to your rdvantagc.


Organizatign of the Gazelle Lumber Company, with heavy timber holdings in Siskiyou county, and a board of directors composed of well known lumbermen and business men, has been completed, and the company soon will begin developing its property preparatory to selling lumber and box shook to the trade.

The general manager in immediate charge of the company's business, will be Charles G. Lettelier, well known Los Angeles box and lumber manufacturer, who has been engaged in that business in Southern California for the last 25 years; W. J. Newenham will be superi'ntendent of production and S. E. Ranger cost accountant and safety engineer.

The company's actual holdings under contract are estimated at 47,A0O,1'N feet, with a tract of 70,000,000 feet additional available for development when needed. The timber consists principally of California white and sugar pine with a small percentage of white fir and cedar. The property is convenient to the Southern Pacific main line. A modern mill will be built at a site convenient to the railroad.

Offices have been established in the Kerckhoff building in Los Aingeles.

Ohio Retailers Here Next Week

A special train party of retail lumber dealers from various parts of Ohio will visit California next week to see some of the big redwood and pine mills in operation. They will come from Portland over the Southern Pacific, arriving at Santa Rosa at 8:35 in the morning of Tuesday, February 6. From there their special train will go to Willitts, arriving at noon. They will be at Eureka on the evening of the same day. The following day, February 7, will be spent in the vicinity of Humboldt bay, visiting some of the big redwood milling and logging operations. On Februl ary 8 they will visit the Standard Lumber Company's pine mill and door factory at Sonora, and then proceed to Yosemite and other parts of the state.


At a meeting of the California Forest Protective Association in San Francisco on January 24, William B. Wheeler was elected President and Major Swift Berry was elected Secretary. This organization is made up of timber owners of both Pine and Redwood and has been a great benefit to the timber owners of the State.

Work On Sugar Pine Road Resumed

After a strike lasting several weeks construction work on the Minarets & Western railroad in Fresno county has been resumed and it is expected that the contract will be completed on time. The new road, which taps a rich body of pine ti,mber in the heart of the Sierra mountains, will serve the Sugar Pine Lumber Company's new mill at Fresno.

Paramino Calling On The Mills

Frank Paramino, of the Paramino Lumber Co. is in the Northwest on a business trip. He is calling on his mill connections in the Puget Sound district.

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