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Western Retailers to Hold Institute at Spokane Feb. 14, 15,16, L7
By Jack Dionne
The Western Retail Lu,mbermen's Association will hold, not a convention, but an "INSTITUTE" this year.
So says A. L. Porter, Secretary.
It takes place in Spokane, in that wonderful Davenport Hotel.
The dates are February 14,15, 16 and 17. The program is a hummer.
Great enthusiasm is being manifested.
From all the western states the dealers will gather to make the event a great one.
The Western Retail Lumbermen's Association was the first retail lumber organization to begin preaching to its mem,bers the theory and Gospel of Modernly Merchandising Lumber.
A. L. Porter was the first man in the history of lumber to issue a practical plan book system for the lumber dealer to use in creating business.
When most other lumber associations were engaged principally in acting as clubs to prevent "shipping in," the Western Retail Lumbermen's Association was helping its me,mbers to prevent "shipping in" by the new and modern process of giving such splendid local building service that the outsider had not a chance in the world to get business in HIS town.
Therefore, more power to The Western Retail Lumbermen's Association, and may it's INSTITUTE, prove a wordrous success from every standpoint, and may every delegate return to his home more imbued than ever with the conviction that he is either the greatest blessing or the greatest stumbling block to his town and territory, depending entirely on understanding of his stewardship.
We are for ;rou, Mr. Western Retailer.
Increasing volume of business has caused the Barr Lumber Company at Whittier to increase its yard facilities. Additional space has been leased from the Union Pacifi'c railroad and. preparations have been completed to fill all this property, covering a full city block. A gravity carrier has been installed to speed up unloading of cars. The company handles a big volume of oil rig business in Los Angeles and Orange counties.