1 minute read
San Joaquin Valley Lumbermen Enjoy Annual Banquet
By ALLAN TURNER of E. K. Wood Lumbe, Co.
I'm nothing myself but a waiter, Sling hash, for a livin,g, and such. I've bee.n follerin' this for a long time And my natural outlook's "How much.l' lVhen all of a sudden these geezers, Were on their feet as one ,man. Each guy just doin' what nature Had prom,pted-it sure was no plan.
Some men 'round the Valley rvere eatin' In the Hughes ,at a banquet one noon. Just a bunch of regular fellers Come prepared to bay at the moon.
'fhese plutocrats, peddlers and others Wot think lumber's the thing that comes first. Were munchin and talkin' and speel'in' An' feeling all happy-at worst.
When the chairman gets up an' starts knockinl For order-He'd something to say About an old-ti,mer from Porterville, A guy by the name of Brey.
Said this feller had been on the sick list. And so'tlvas his first time around. The San Joaquin Lumbermen's tableThat's as far as he got-not a sound.
Then the whole bunch present just busted Into clapping-it came with a bang. For this feller Brey wot they're'tickled To see back again with the gang.
And Brey did a beautiful come-back, Though it took quite a while to get set. And take it from me while I'm talkirl' His eyes weren't the only ones wet.
'fhough I saw all the fun at the'noon-hour, And I listened to every toast. The ovation they gave to their Mr. Brey Was the thing that impressed me the most.