1 minute read
Includes Much Danger To Life And Limb
These men are working on such a system in a western logging camp.
Roof Knots.
Some people when they buy roo6ng, tear it, twist it, smell it and sometimes chew it. Others soak the samples in a bucket of water boil it burn it and otherwise maltreat it.
But the right way to choose your roofing is to 6nd out who makes it, for birds of a feather flock together and you can't get a rose out of a cabbage patch.
A concern giving a hearty, honest service will make an honest serviceable material. Foxy methods mean foxy roofing, and it pays to be frank and not foxy but everybody doesn't know it.
Weaver Roofing is made by frank people who say what they mean and mean what they say. 'Weaver Roofing is well made, for the men who make it are proud of their ssy[-i1 lasts a long time for they know what roofing needs and what this country needs for service.
We furnish Workmen's Corrrpensation lnsurance to lumber and woodworking manufacturers. Ours is a recip- rocal association of nrill nren, doing business at cost only.
The leacling mill operators of Texas and Louisiana created this organization. It affords full protection under the California lau's. Conccrning our standing and reliability
Inquiries Cordially Solicited
GEO. R. CHRISTTE, California Office
476 Monadnock Blde. SAN FRANCISCO-
General Manager Home Othce HOUSTON, TEXAS
You can't go wrong if you use 'Weaver Roo6ngwe won't let youl