1 minute read
Western Retailers Meet at Spokane
Will Probably Meet Next Year in Los Angeles
The California delegation to the great conv'ention of T'he Western Retail Lumbermens' Association at Spokane, left San Francisco on The Shasta Limited, Saturday afterno'on, February 10th. Misfortune had reducecl considerably the numbers that were to have gone.
Miss Alberta Ruth Brey was slightly ill, but er.rough to prevent her leaving. She was ot1 the program.
Business of a character imperatively demanding his presence in Los Angeles kept Peter B. Kyne from the trip.
The sudden death of S. O. Krantz just as he was preparing to go norfh, kept Jack Dior.rne from the ranks. Messrs. Gus Russell, Kyne, and Dionne were also s'cheduled to visit Vancotrver. B. C.. and talk to the B. C. lumbermen after the Spokane convention, and this had to be cancelled.
The party that finally left San Francisco was couposed of J. C. Ferger, Fresno, President of The Western Retail I-umbermen's Association; A.J. (Gus) Russell, of San Francisco; F. Dean Prescott, of Fresno; Chas. Miller, Los Angeles; George C. Burnett, of Tulare ; and Elmore \\r. King, of Bakersfield.
This party arrived in Spokane about uoon orl 'fuesday, February l3th, the conveution starting the next morning, so they. were on deck for all preliminaries to the festivities.
The convention is just starting as this issue of The California Lumber Merchant comes off the press.
The prograrr, 'without revising ou account of the three dropped numbers from California, was as follo'ws: