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Random lterns-Mill Run
The Hoo-Hoo members in the Bay District are very much enthused over a regular weekly ldncheon and at the last Con,cat held on January 27, this matter came up for a genepl discussion. In the ,near future Snark Faull will appoint a comm'ittee to look in'to this matter, and the members are all looking forward for the first call to convene.
Buehner Mill And Timber Holdings Sold
' The largest individual lumber transaction ever consumated in the state of Oregon was closed when the Buehner Lu,mber Company mill ind tim'ber located in Coos Bay was transferred to eastern and southern operators. Announcement of this transaction was made by A. \\r. Miller of the Mickle Lumber Company. The purihasing syndicate consists of : George T. Mickle, President of the George T. Mickle Lumber Co. of Illinois and Oregon; W. C. Ribenack, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the California and Oregon Lumber Co. o,f San Francisco; Frank D. Stout, President of the Stout Lumber Co. of Arkansas and Wisconsin; and W. T. Culver, head of the Stearns and Culver Lumber Co. of Ludington, Michigan. The Buehner mill is one of the most modern in the northwest and has a capacity of about 250,M feet each eight hour shift. Their timber hold,ings contain about 1,500,000,000 feet of douglas fir and spruce. Philip Buehner purchased these timber holdings a good many years before the Southern Pacific