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Ohio Retailers See California 'u'

The Ohio retailers and their party, over a hundred strong, reaihed Santa Rosa about noon time on Februa.ry 6 and left later for Eureka where they arrived at 9:00 p. m., February 7th, was spent in inspecting the logging and saw-mill operations in the redwo,od region of Humboldt County; in the morning the party looked over the saw-mill and remanufacturing plant of the Hammond Lumber Company at Samoa and in the afternoon an inspection was made of the electrically equipped sawmills of the Pacific Lumber Company at Scotia. Luncheon was served in the new Redwood Hotel at Eureka, where they were guests of th,e redwood operators of Humboldt County; in the aft,ernoon an automobile trip was made along the Redwood (State) Highway and through the virgin redrvood forests. On February 8, the party arrived at Berkeley, and at luncheon were guests of the East Bay lumber dealers at the Oakland H,otel. On the morning of the 9th, the party were the guests of the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce, which included an automo'bile tour of San Francisco, inclu,ding points oI interest such as the Golden Gate P,ark and the presidio Military Reservation . At 2 p. ft., a large attended luncheon was held at the Whitcomb Hotel, where they wer€ t'he guests of the California White and Sugar P'ine and Redwood Associa- tions. The luncheon was presided over by Junius H. Browne, of the Pacific Lu,mber Co,mpany. The iddress of welcome to San Francisco ,was madi by- Mrs. Mable lohnson, Director of the Hospitable Commitlee, of the San Francisco Cha'mber of Comrner,ce. For the Ladies of the visiting

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