2 minute read

Planning for bigger

fY/E ARE glad. to announce a program of improvements and better. W l1:1.., rn.volvrng..an expcnditure of some 9300,000.00, which we Deileve will resutt rn an tncreasc in production and shipments that_will prove more nearly equal to the steldily gro*i"g-a.-irid'Toi our Redwood products.

We. have purchased two n.ew elcc-trically operated logging engines which wul lncrease our productron and, assure a greater supply of Redwood logs for both our -saw mills.

Our storage capacity and handling facilities are beinc exnanded bv thc. cfcction of an additional brokcn urit shed in connJctiori with our Mill B. This will provide sufficieltly increased storace- foi- ai, t"--: bcr to pe-rmit tull operation duriag thc Winter, and will enable- us to S8r1y a^targer.reserve of worked stock, to apply against the usual ncavy spnng demand,

We -are p_u,tting in an additienal loading track at the back of the plaTing mill.a-nd factorJ to facilitate shipping of etraight carload lots or ltems wlltch move in quantitie8, and we sre building twentv-five new -cottages and,adding -seventy-five room3 to the hoiel'.t S";ii; lor the more comfortable housing of our workers, party, the response \4'as made by Mrs. Layer, of the Cincinnati Sash and Door Co. X,Ir. Willis Waiker, of the Red River Lumber Company, spoke on the California White and S.uSar Pines: he- gave an instructive talk on the physical characteristics, the.habitat, grades and quality of thlsi two woods. Mr. Junius H. Browne also spoke on ihe Redwoods. Mr. Lewin, President of the Ohio Reiailer Lumber Dealers' Associationr g?ve an excellent address on the lur.t.rber indus- try from the eastern retailers point of view. He compli- mented the California operators and mannfacturers on tdeir p,rogressiveness and stated that they were manrlfacturing their lumber according to the east,ern standards. Referrin! to Redwood, he thought it was not exploited in the eastl ern markets as much as it should be, and with the proper methods of ad.i'ertising, he stated that this wood wouid find a larger market. He also spoke on the standardization of grades; the trade marking of lumber; and the effort of transit shipments in causing an unstable market. Mr. Lewin, in behalf of the Ohio delegation, thanked the Redwood and California Sugar and White pine manufacturrrs for their lironderftrl ho-spitality, and assured the gathering that $e_y werg all anxious to return to Californii againl Mr. Robert Newton Lynch, Vice-Ptesident ,of the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce, respond,ed to ,,Speed the part_ ing Guest"; .he ,mentioned the wonderful natural resources of California, and in_ fitting terms wished them god-speed on their trip. The delegation l,eft at 11 p. m., f5r " i-o_ days' trip through Yosemite Valley; aftei which they will Ieave for Los A_ngeles, -where they arrived Monday -orn_ 1ng, February-llth. AJter a four-days sight seeing trip in Southern California; the pa-rty will start eist by *"'y of tn" Grand Canyon, Colorado Sp,rings, and Denver. '



For 26 years we have been in lumber and Los Angeles.

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