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Happenings in Hoo-Hoo Land Doings
and Sayings of Tom
It may well and truthfully be said that the interest and genuine enthusiasm whi,ch is being manifested over HooHoo practically all over the {-Inited States this winter at the lumber conventions, is si,mply a spread of the germ of Hoo-Hoo love and devotion of the State of California.
For w'hen Hoo-Hoo went to its lowest ebb in popular favor, it was here in California that the spark never cooled', and the interest never died.
There is peihaps nothing that has surpr,ised the lumbermen of the rest ,of the coun'try nearly as much this winter, as the return of Hoo-Hoo. Just think of taking in 130 at I(ansas City last month, in a place where Hoo-Hoo.was too dead to skin for several years; and the best and biggest men in the great middle western territory turned out to make the Con Cat well worth while.
Notable am'ong the reinstatements was R. A. Long, the famous lumberman of Kansas City.
W. S. Dickason of Kansas City, is making a wonderful snark. The enthusiasm of M'ajor Everett Griggs, last years Snark, undoubtedly has spread to Mr. Dickason, for he is thoroughly imbued with the bigness and'the need for Hoo-
H,oo, and is going about his work of enthusing everyone he comes into aontact with, on the subject.
And the news is becoming general that Hoo-Hoo ls strong and getting stronger.
And those who know can well say: "Thank you, California."
"SHAD KRANTZ, N'O. 31637"
National Headquarters was advised by wire on Saturday of the death of Bnother Shad Krantz, No. 31637, at one o'clock Saturday morn'ing at Los Angeles.
Mr. Krantz was Managing Editor of the California Lumber Merchant and his death is not only a great loss to this publication but to the lumbermen of California. No details have been received to date as to the cause of his death.
Mr. Krantz leaves a host of admirers and friends in'HooHoo Land and the Lumber In'dustry, whose sy,mpathy goes out to h'is relatives and employer.
(Frorn Hoo-Hoo Bulletin.)
San Francisco Concat In April
Henry B. Faull, Snark for the San Francisco district, announces that the next San Francisco Concat will be in April, date not yet announced.
We have a paint propocition to live lumber dealers, wnol-. deeire to handle paintr of quality and backed by service.
Our materids are made for people who know what good paint will do to improve the acceptability of their lumben