2 minute read
S PEED Gets 'Em!
We've got the quality of goodr to rupply the Southern C,alifornia lumber hde, and above all, w" have theability to give unequalled cervice in the matter of delivery. We make
24How Delivery
to any part of Southern C,alifornia on Stock Material
One week'e delivery on Special Manufactured Ilfieterid
!-Upper-Cuts ,*,/
Ten years ago L. A. Beckstrom started shoving lumber in the yard of Chas. R. McCormick & Company, at San Diego, California. He shoved so efficiently and so well that they gave him better and more lucrative positions. Recently he has been traveling in Southern California out of the Los Angeles offibe, and has built up a wo'nderful acquaintance with the lumber trade of this territory.
So the other day General Manager Olsen of the Los Angeles office called the young'man in and wrote the title of "Sales Manager" after his name. He will handl,e all McCormick sales in Southern Californ,ia, and also in ,our sister state of Arizon:a, fro,m the Los Angeles office.
Mr. Beckstrom's many friends have been offering their congratulations on his splendidly earned advancement.
We carry in ctock a big supply of frr and white pine doorr, windowr, and rarh. AIro glass. Also fir and redwood columnc, fir and redwood garage doore.
We Make Special Inducements On Orders Of 2oo Or More Openings
If you want QurlitS Satirfection, Scrvicc end Fut Dclivcry, llfritc, !\firc or Phonc Ur.
Telcphone: Pico 6740
Geo. Cornwall, Publisher o'f The Timberman, at Portland, who was in attendance at the weekly Hoo-H.oo Lun,cheon at Los Angeles on February 8th, mrade.a splendid talk in praise of Shad Krantz,late Managing Editor of The California Lumber Merchant. Mr. Cornwall said that he had known Shad for many years in Po'rtland, knew the love and respect that the people of Portland felt for him, and .de'clared that it could be well saidi of Mr. Krantz that he ,always discovered the facts, never colored them to suit the story, and that he always "kept the faith" by telling the truth in his writings. Mr. Cornrvall expressed his deep regret at the death of Mr. Krantz in very lovely terms.
Jack D,ionne spoke on conditions, and shortly concerning his recent friend and lieutenant Shad Krantz.
L. V. Graham, of Kansas City and Vice-President of the Chicago Lumber Company of Washington, has arrived in California on his annual business trip. He reports that the lumber market in the middle west is very active and that the demand for west coast lumber is exc6edingly good at the pr.esent time. He says that January was the best month that St. Louis has ever had in building operations. Accompanied by F. B.. Macomber, Sr., of San Francisco, who is their Californi.a. representative, he has just returned from a trip to the pine mills in the Feather River Canyon. On his way west, IVIr. Graham visited the Northwest, and spent several days in the P,uget Sound district. He is accompanied by his wife and daughter and expects to return east the latter part of the month.