1 minute read
When two men are fighting, regardless of odds,the maddest one generally gets licked.
Be fair with your competit but conduct your business in the interest of the consumer and the community.
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Prices are always competitive, but god service creates a monopoly.
Compete with your own past record, and let your competitor alone.
Greater foolishness hath no man than this-that he cuts every price he meets.
Don't waste time fighting your competitor for business neither one of you helped develop. What YOUR town needs is building FACILITIES not building HOSTILITIES.
. Taking an order away from a competitor does not help one a bit-in the long run. CREATING an order that would never have appeared without your work is what brings prosperity.
A number of yearsago we heard a man say, speaking of his local retail lumber competitor: "He is the sort of competitor who puts money in our pockets, brains in our heads, and character inrour lives." Isn't that SOME recommendation?