3 minute read
Plans and Progress Here and There What Busy CaliforniaLumber Folks Are Talking About
W. R. Mc'Millan, general sales manager.of the Hammond Lumber Company, is now making his headquarters at the company offices in San Francisco. Until recently, Mr. Mc,Millan, was located at the co'mpany's plant at Samoa, California.
Hammatt Calls On Retailers
R. F. Hammatt, Secretary-Manager of the California Redwood Association, has left San Francisco to call on the retailers of the state in the.interests oi redwood. The purpose of his trip is to offer the retailers all th,e association cooperation possible and to give them any assistance that might result in the increase ,of redwood sales throughout the stafe. He doesn't intend to cover the state on this trip, as he plans to be away from his headquarters on'ly two weeks, but in the future he plans to continue this work just as much as time will permit.
Earl Minton Visits Los Angeles
Earl Minton, head of The Minton Company, Mountain View, together with Mrs. Minton, was a recent visitor in L'os Angeles. Mr. Min,ton is one of the best and most enthusiastic lumber merchants in California. For the past year he has been making a study of the methods employed by some of the leading retail lu'mber merchants in other states, and applying their experiences to his own concern. He is thoroughly sold on the idea that the m,ain job of the lumber dealer is to create business, and declares that all their own ,efforts at modernly merchandising building materials has proven beyond the question of a doubt that it DOES pay. Mr. Minton is an e,nthusiast on the subject of merchandising, and is becoming a bigger one all the time.
Robert Forgie On Seattle Trip
Robert Forgie, of Los Angeles, who represents BloedelDonovan in Southern California, left February 8th for Seattle where he will visit the general o,ffice for a week. He will be gone about two weeks in all, an,d was accompani'ed on the trip by Oliver J. Olson, the well known steamship agent of San Francisco..
A trio co.mprised of Mr. and \{rs. Walter Steves, of San Antonio, Texas, and Virgil H. Shepherd, of Houston, Te*as, arrived in Los Angeles February 9th, on a combined business and pleasure trip. Mr. Steves is Sales manager for The Steves Sash & Door Company, of San Antonio, one of the biggest millwork institutions in the entire South, and Mr. Shepherd is head of f'he S,outhern Sash & Door :Co., of Houston, well known wholesale distributors of western products in Texas. Their mission is to take a look at the Pacific Coast, and to seek sources of future supply for the respe'ctive firms. A. H. Cuenod showed them over the great millwork plant of The Ham'mond Lu'm'ber Co., and they also looked over some of the new ho,me building additions in Los Angeles to see how homes ar,e built here.
They left Los Angeles for San Francisco, and will visit several milling points in Northern Californ,ia, and then visit Portland.'Iacoma. and Seattle.
Mark W. Lillard of Los Angeles, entertained Mr. and Mrs. Ward Jackson, of Cleveland, Ohio, a few days ago. The Ward family are on theilway to China for a pleasure jaunt. Mr. Ward is an,officer of the Witmer-Jackson Company, the big sash, door, and milllvork manufacturers of Albuquerqlle, New Mexico. Mr. Lillard represents this concern in Southern California.
' A. R. X{cCullough, of McCullough-Fagan Lumber Co., has returned to San Francisco after a ten days business trip to the Northwest. While in the north, he visited the Whit,ney Mill Company plant, which mill they repr'esent in California. Mr. X4cCullough was very much en,thused over the new Whitney plant and said that it was very interesting to see their big gang saw in operation: the gang saw is the largest on the Pacific Coast; it is 24xffi, and will cut 720, 12 inch boards at one cut. Mr. McCullo'ugh states that the market in,the Northwest is very active and t'hat the mills are working to full capacity.
AskYour Drivers
Arh, Birch, Hickory, Red Gurq Sap Gum, Oak, Poplar, Barwood, Black Walnut, Red Cedar, Maple C5prec, Mahogany, Suga and White Pine, White Cedar and Spruce. Office and Yarde: 1900 E" 15th St. (One-half Block Eart of Alemeda)