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San' Pedro "Busts" All FI fi.ecoros
A11 records for i.mportation of lumber into the San Pedro Harbor of Los Angeles wernt "fluie" ,in January, as was tersely announced on the market page oI our February first 1SSUe.
When the figures were finally compiled it was found that not less than 149765,000 feet of lumber from the Pacific Northwest hacl been unloaded between December 31st and February first.
The fo,rmer orevious record of The Hammond Lumber Co. for unloading lumber at San Pedro was 28,OC0,0@ feet. In January they stepped out and slid some 38,0C0,@0 feet across the warves, inward bound, thereby makin'g their previous record look like small potatoes.
There were as many as l3 lumb'er vessels unloading lu,mber at one time, ar.rd there was a big cluster of them ALL the time.
Mason To Visit Humboldt County
Da'r'id T. I\{ason, forest engineer with oflrces in Portland, Oregon, has arrived'in California an,d after spending a few days in San Francisco will leave for Humboldt County. Mr. Mason was recently engaged by the large redwood operators of Humboldt County as consulting forester to formttlate a working plan for the reforestin'g o{ cut-over and burnt over redwood ar,c-as and to also' devise proper fire prevention plans for the redrvood region. He expects to be in the redwood region between t'*l,o and three weeks.