1 minute read
Benjamin Franklin says: "Experience is a dear school, but fools learn in noother".
J. H. Holmes, president of the H,olmes-Eureka Lumber Co., who left for a four months trip on January 25 has reached South A.merica. Although his trip will combine both business and pleasure, he expects to represent the Redwood industry while in the south. He is taking along with him som,e moving pictures of representative redwood operations and is also well supplied wit'h redwood literature. In the various cities that he visits, invitations will be extended to the lumb,ermen who are interested in Redwood. At these meetings Mr. Holmes will arrange to sho,w m-oving pictures and will also explain the various factors that come up regarding the manufacture and uses of red. lvood.Mr. Holmes' itin'erary, which will carry him through several of the South American countries is as follows:
FebruarY u
9 Arrive Ponce, Porto Rico.
11 Leave Ponce, Porto Rico.
11 .Arrive San Tuan. Porto Rico.
14 Leave San Juan, Porto Rico.
26 .Arrive Dio De Janeiro. (Palace Hotel) March 8.......Leave Rio De Taneiro.
10 .Arrive Buenos Air.t. (Palace Hotel) " 20 Leave Buenos Aires.
24 Arrive Valpariso. American Exp. Co. " 28 Leave Valpariso. " 30 Arrive Autofavasta. Chile. " 31 Leave Autofayasta, Chile. April 2 .......Arrive LaPaz, Bolivia.
4 l-eave LaPaz, Bolivia. " 6 Arrive Arequipa, Bolivia.
7 Leave Arequipa, Bolivia.
8 .Arrive Cuzco, Bolivia. " 9 Leave Cuzco, Bolir-ia. " l0 .Arrive Lima, Peru. (Fran'cis Hotel) " 13 Leave Lima, Peru. " 18 Arrive Panama. " 19 Leave Panama. " 2l Arrive Havana, Cuba. (Plaza Hotel) " 28 .I-eave Havana, Cuba.
Mrs. Hol,mes is accompanving n'Ir. Holmes and they plan to retum to the States either bv wav of New York or New Orleans.