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Eureka, Cal.-The year 1922 was a record breaker par excellence in the matter of offshore shipments of lumber from Humboldt bay, five new marks having been hung up.
First there was the largest amount of lumber shipped offshore in any 'one year in the a,nnals of the industry here, the total being almost forty millions of feet, the record shorving the shipments to have been-
Then there n'as t'he largest direct shipment i'n any one month on re,cord-that in December, 7,467,449 feet; almost as large as the entire shipments of some pervious years.
Next was the arrival and departure of the largest vessel that ever took cargo from here-the Norwegian steamer 'l'alabot, 5,912 tons, while her cargo, 3,095,2W feet for Australia was the largest ever taken across the bar.
Last was the size of the vessels employed in the off-shore trade during the year. Excludin,g the small coasters going to Hawaii and' I\Iexi,co, the remaining 2;4 vessels engaged in the trade had an everage net tonnagie of 3300, while 22 of these, the Australian fleet averased 3358 net tons.
your ordinary Pine nequirements with CONSTRUCTION AI{D MERCHANTABLE REDWOOD.
Most of California's oldest homes were almost entirely built of Redwood. Their present good condition proves this wood to be of ample strength and remarkable durability.
California retailers realizing the adaptability of REDWOOD to their ordinary Pine requirements are now buying in especially large quantities.
We have a good assorted stock on hand for immediate shipment. Let us take care of your lumber troubles with the best of REDWOOD.
To the Memory of Shad l(1"n12-
Shad's gone-but only in person, for the lessons he taught, the good he reflected, the kindness he bestowed will ever remain with and inspire us to greater, nobler, better things.
To know Shad intimately was to love him, for he was the personification of honor, loyalty and integrity, ever ready to help and advise, to sacrifice in aiding a friend. His life represented the highest moral code of ideals.
Shad made friends not enemies-his was a personality that grew, and because of his consistency, deter, miriation and straightforward manner of presentation, gained respect and consideration which made his business career'a successful one.
Shad Krantz so thoroughly won the confidencio, honor and respect of everyone associated with our company that his passing leaves a loneliness, a sadness that is deeply felt by all.
Lumbermen's Service Association.