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Yard, Mill, Office and Road
What Live California Lumbermen Are Doin$
Long Beach Yard Building New Office
A new, modern and attractive office and building material store, will be erected at once on the site of their present office, by The C. H. Smith Lumber Co., of Long Beach. It will be 4O by 50 in size, and not only be equipped Ior excellent office room, but will include a department for the retailing of hard'ware and other building n-raterials. It will be stucco, and very attractive.
Wilson Returns To Los Angeles
F. W. Wilson, of Fletc'her-Frambes, has returned to Los Angeles after a weeks trip to San Francisco an'd Oakland' While in the ,north he called on the lumber trade and also visited with his relatives who reside in Oakland.
Frank Trower Visits The Imperial Valley
Frank Trower, of the Trower l-umbir Co. of San Francisco, was a recent visitor to Southern California' After lookitrg over his business interests in Los Angeles, he made a weeks trip into the Imperial Valley. He was accompanied by Mrs. Frank Tro,wer on his triP.
Earl Hoffman Will Visit Northwest
Earl Hoffman, of the Earl Hoffman Co. of Los Angeles, will leave for the Northwest on February 20 to call on his mill connections. He will visit the Portland, Puget Sound. Grays llarbor, a,nd Vancouver, B. C. districts while in the north. He expects to be. gone about thre'e weeks.
Sacramento Keeps Building
Sacramento issued prem,its for erecting 214 structures' during January, 'of which number 69 were for one .stor1' homes. The total was a little under December.
San Francisco Starts Big Home Building Year
Building Inspector J. P. Horgan of Sar-r Francisco, pre' dicts a ban,ner home building year, predicating his views on the fine start'they made in January when permits were is' sued for 216 frame structures. With February already starting to beat January, the predictior.r looks reasonable.
Parcher Opens Los Angeles Office
T. B. I'archer, of Portland, has opened an office at 408 Stock Exchange Building, Los Angeles for the Henry D. Davis Lumber Company of Portland. Mr. Parcher has been connected with the lumber industry of the Northwest for a good many years and was form'erly sales manager of the Puget Sound Mills and Timber Co. of Seattle.
The Golden Rule
Frambes Returns From Northwest
W. P. Frambes, of the wholesale firm of Fletcher & Frambes of Los Angeles, 'has returned from a two weeks business trip to the northwest' While in the north, Mr' Frambes c'onsulted with his mill connections in Portland a,nd the Puget Sound districts. He reports that the mills are all working to full capacitv an,d that the lumber market is very active. While in San Francisco, Mr. Frambes'called on his business associates, the Atrdrew F. Mahoney Lumber Co.
Did You Know
that this firm sells high grade Sugar and White Pine,RedGum,Oak,and cabinet woods as well as Pacific Coast Forest Products?
How do you like our "Shingle Service?"
intrepid "Forty-Niners" first struck gold
T TERE" insnired amid these forest -El giantq Biet Harte gave us'oThe Luck oI Roaring Camp,'and othet tales-those vivid impressions oI gold rush days
Here MarkTwain, in hisearlierdays, drank deep the compelling romance of the superb Sierras, which gav€ to his western writings theit absorbing fascination.
Flere, already pauiarchs,these mighty treeslooked down uponthe struggle for goldandempirerevenbelorethepony express riders marched wits against marauding Sioux and Arapaho flere, for three-quarters of a century since those stirring times, these timber sentinels oI progress have been maturing; that today the needs oI man in industry and home making might be fulfilled" From the very heart ol this lamous region comert
Manufactured by equipment which natches in full the perlection of this magnificent timber. Ready now for prompt zuPPlY, Calilornia Sugar and White Pine Lumber products, including wide finis\pattern stock, moldingg siding' lath' factory plapk and shop lumber. Correspondence invited.