2 minute read
Under the Pines and These Timely Tales Are Redwoods Gathered
At the noon-day luncheon of the Lumber Salesmen's Club of San Francisco held at th'e Palace Hotel on January 29, W.I. Hutchinson of San Francisco, Assistant District Forester in charge of Public Relations, gave an interesting talk on the "Westward Ho" of the lumber industry. He stated that the original stand of timber in the United States, which contained 822,000,000 acres is now half gone; the present stand co,ntains about 2,215 billion board feet, three quarters of which is virgin timber;50%t of this virgin stand is located in the three- Pacifi'c Coast states, Washington,
New Woodworking
A new woodworking plant woodwork, cabinet work, etc., at C,ompton. H. W. Snelson, are the men in the new firm.
Plant At Compton
to manufacture interior trim, is being equipped at pr'esent J. J. Travis, and T. H. Gale
California Firm Sells Airplane Spruce
The Vallejo Builders Supply Co., of Vallejo, Cal., has recently secured an order for 150,@0 feet of dry airplane spru,ce to be used in the United States Government airplane factory at Philadelphia.
Oregon, and California. 27/o at the virgin tilbe1 on -the Pacific Coast is located in the state of California. Mr. Hutchinson told of the western trend of the lumber industry; describing fully the lumber conditions in Maine; the Like States; ihe Southern States which reache'd the peak of production in 1915; and the Pacific Coast. He gave.some int-eresting statistics on the timber cut and consumption. i:n the United States: 1906, 46 billion board feet w'ere cut w'hich figures 'about 500 board feet per capita; while in I92O, 34 Uitlion feet were cut with a per capita of 320 board feet. Some inter'esting facts and figures were also given regarding the timber ind forest conditions of California. Califoinia has a total timber stand of 3@ billion board feet with an annual cut of 1,300,000 board feet; two thir'ds of this stand is Pine and one third Redwood' Based on the best information now available, he said that the estimated cut at the end of thirty years (1953) would be about 2,800,000,0C0 board feet of p,ine and 1,000,000,000 board feet o'f re'dwood: this represents an increase of nearly 300/o over th'e present cut. He estimate.d that the virgin forests 9J Ca];iornia,r,vould be cut orrer ih about 75 years' a,fter which the timber rnarket would have to depend on the second growth forests. Mr. Hutchinson also gave an interesting review of the reforestation and fire prevention work that is n'ow being carried on bv some of the large privately owned r'edwood operators and the efforts that they were making for a continued and perpetnal supply of Redwood in the state of California.
The California Rail Trade
If you cannot wait Ior him-mail or wirc your ordcr or inquirier direct to
Ac,cording to the Hayward Journal, of Hayward, Cal., that excellent little city is enjoying a home building boom, and l,ooking for a bigger one still when r,vinter ends. It states that the tvvo local yar'ds of The Blackman Lu,mber Co., and The Sunset Lumber Com,pany, are kept thoroughly busy of late supplying materials for new homes.