3 minute read
The Sacramento Meeting
Written for the California Lumber Merchant by Mrs. Fred E. Conner, Sacramento
The regular monthly meeting of the Sacramento Valley I-nmbermens' Club was held Januarv 27th, at Hotel Lan'd, in'Sacramento. The afternoon session was conducted by Mr. A. A. Kelly ,of the Santa Fee Lu,mber Company, .and during this time an rtnusually entertaining and instructive progran'l was presented by the wholesale members of the club.
Mr. A. J. Russell (the only A. J.) and Mr. Ha,mmatt were the principal speakers. Mr. Russell witily reviewed the late Shingle ur.rpleasantness, ancl gave a pleasing accouht of his experiences v/hile attending the Shingle Congress in company with Peter R. Kyne and Jack Dionne. \'Ir. Russell rnade a hit, as usual, and it was voted to du'b him the Mark Twain of lumberdom. an honor for which his talents have eminentlv fitted him.
Mr. Hammatt of the California Redwood Association gave a constntctive talk explaining the educatio'nal carlpaign rvhich has been launched by the Redwood interests, and describing the manner in whi'ch their special advertising helps the retailer by acquainting the buying public with the l.alue, durability, an,d beauty of our California redwood as a br"rilding material, and thereby creating a greater and more intelligent derland for one of the most widely useful of our forest products.
James Farley ,of the Pacific Lumber Company, provecl himself to be an expert movie operator, by skillfully reeling off a series of pictures which revealed the process of manufacturing lumber from the time of felling the tree until the finished product was stored in the wholesale yard or she'd. These pictures \4/ere a revelation indeed, to' the uninitiated, and their eclucational value cannot be overestimated. It is hoped that they will be given wide publicity as they ,must be seen to be appreciated.
As the ladies were present the program was intersperse'd rvith music and clancing. Darnce n-rusic was furnished by an orchestra composed of N4essrs. Brown, Brav'o, Christian, ancl "By He,ck," of the Sacratnento Lumber Company and led by Walter Baker of the Hendrickson Lumber Company. Rod tried to clainr the glory, Conner offered violent 'objectiorns, whereupon Rod accusecl hirn of professional jealousy, ancl the meeting was called to ,order.
, Mr. Mac Waters who possesses a vo'ice of exceptional beautl' and richness, pleased with two songs which were highly enjoyed by all. Mrs. MacBride's accompaniament was executed in a delightfully fiinished style that added greatly to the performance of these two Macs, who should be give-n a perimanent positi.on on all future programs of the club.
Mrs. Eggleston, Secretary of the Cali{ornia Retail Lumbermens' Asso,ciation, gave an en'teresting talk on Association work, in her usual poised and pleasing manner; after rvhich the meeting was turned over to Mr. Robie, Presi'dent of the Sacramento Valley Lumbermens' Club, and the busirress session began. This part ,of the program was enlivened by a speech by Mr. Will De,an of Chico, w'h,ose vocation is directing the statewide destiny of the, Diamond Match Company, and whose avocation is evidently that of gro'wing younger-(rday by day," in every way.
Among the lady guests of h,onor were Miss Susan T. Smith, Sacramento's capable and popular City Libraria,n, and Miss Edwina Robie, the'charming daughter'of Mr. and Mrs. Robie, of Auburn.
An invitation from the Redwood Manufacturing Company asking the club to visit Pittsburg in the near future was accepted, as was also one from the Diamond Match Company w'ith Stirling as its objective. Larter in the year the members of the club will be the, guests of Mr. Hammatt, and the California Redwood Association among the great trees of northern California.
At the conclusi'on of the business session the meeting was adjourned, and while everyone admitted having enjoyed every moment of the afternoon, the ladies went a step farther and registered a determination to attend all future luncheons, meetings and sessions of the Sacramento Valley Lumbermens' Club. Why shouldn't they?
Following is a list of th'ose attending: Mrs. J. Eggleston, W. B. Dean, A. J. Russell, J. H. Wistrum, R. E. Tracey, C. A. Murphy, Arthur Cheim, Fred Conner, Mrs. E. E. White, Mrs. E. T. Robie, A. M. Laing, D. A. Williamson, R. F. llammatt, I. E. Brink, W. D. Thon'ras, R. N. Ransom, E. S. McBride, Earl E. White, O. L. Russum, Susan T. Smith, Mrs. E. S. McBride, W. E. Seavey, Geo. N. \A/hiteside, E. T. Robie, J. P. Brern'er, Jas. S. Forester, J. A. MacWatters, W. A. Glenn, Rod Hendrickson, J. J. Farley, Adeline M. Conner, W. B. Dearborn, O. H. Miller, A. A. I(elley, C. A. Minard, H. C. Clark, Geo. W. Mortimer, J. M. Jeniier, Mrs. O. H. Miller, Kenne'th White, Mrs. R. Hendrickson, Mrs. J. MacWatters, tr'Iaster John McBride, Walter Baker and his Lumberjack Musicians (Sacramento Lumber Co.)