2 minute read
Among the D ellers
The new Bentley Lumber Co. of Glendale, which recently succeeded the Bentley-Schoeneman Lumber Co., when the Bentley's b,ought out the Schoeneman interests, has elected the following officers:
Officers of the new company are John Bentley, president; Roger Bentley, vice president; Ray B'entley, general man.
Modern Senrice
"Here modern building plair service rooms are,m,aintained and equipped with hundreds of actual photographs and very latest styles in building plans. Here the owner or contractor can come and inspect plans and ,get expert building advice, free of charge.
"New building and storage racks were built where the lnmber that comes into the yard, on their own spur track, can be quickly piled away.
ager; George H. Bentley, secretary-treasur,er; W. H. Potter, assistant secretary.
Referring to the Bentley Lumber Co., the Glendale News, says:
"Sinc'e moving to their present site, 46O West Los Feliz road, they have built an up-to-date office and equipped it with m'odern bookkeeping maihines, telephone switchboar,d with three trunk lines which assure their customers of the best of service at all times, expert ,office help is, onr the job at all times to give building advice andl see that orders are properly filled.
We bave ready for prompt rhipment from our Bay Point, Cal., plrnto a considerable quantity of
"A new dry kiln was constructed to better dry the finish lumber that the company might give their customers the best finish which is run in their own complete planing mill.
Seven Motor Trucks
"Seven motor trtrcks give the people "sudden service."
"The Bentley Lumber company also :has a roofing d'epartment which put on roofs of all kinds, including the, pretty red and green rock surface. This department is in charge of P. E. Maxwell, a roofing expert.
"Hardwood floors are also sold, laid and finished complete.
"The Bentley Lumber company has built up a lar-ge business and are always on the job and helping put over any civic enterprise that is for the best interests of Glend'ale."
Ttiis Is The Way To Have Your Local News Paper Talk
The following newspaper reprint is from the Holtville Tribune, of Holtville, Cal. It is a mighty nice way to have your local paper talk about you, a'nd shows that Manager F"rop realizes fully the fact that the local editor's good will ls a hne asset:
"Hammond Lumber Co.-This company ,enters the largest m,arkets and secures large quantities, which are offered at rockbottom prices.
"There are few, if any cities the size of Holtville in.Southern California that have the advantage of such an esta[lishment as the Hamm'ond Lumber Company maintains., By reason of their modern facilities they are able to handle all classes of work and furnish exlcellen't servi'ce #ith promptness and dispatch.
"What is the use trying to give even a brief review of this concern? Suffice to say that they have absolutely everything there'is in the lumber and building material line and that their work is of a class rrnsurpassed by none.
"The local ma.na.ger, Mr. John T. Basom, is a public spirited business man of Holtville and d'eserves the success that he has achieved and c,ommendation that is being given him by the public."
Charles Brizendine plans to build at once a planing mill and cabinet works in Monterev Park. to ,make interior finis[, sfuowcases, cebinet works, ice boxes, etc.