2 minute read
R. F. Hammatt on Redwood
Before Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Club, Jan. 27th, lg23
I present for consideration, five distinct thoughts,-none new, none startling, none revolutionary, but five thoughts whi,ch are, nevertheless, rvorth considering and pondering upon. They are, briefly, these:
1. The present year 'certainly,-the next three years in all probability,-will be years of unusual prosperlty and of opportunity in the building field.
2. During that time, unless all signs fail, the problem of supp,ly will loom big. Demand is likely to be keen, reserve stocks low, and transportation-at least for a time each year -inadequate. It follows that proximity to source of lumber supply an'd cooperation between dealer 'and manufacturer, w,ill be important factors in success.
3. Frosperity, in terms of immediate profits, sh,ould not be diffictrlt. Even the manufacturer and dealer who deoends entirely upon his stock of merchandise-who is content to dispose only of that which people come in, unsolicited, to buy,-lvho, in other words, uses his head as his lumber yard instead of for it, sh.ould show some irnmediate profit.
4. A real opportunity awaits, in the next few years, the manufacturer, wholesaler and retail lumbermen who takes aggressive thought and action for the future,-who does contractors, customers and prospects, exhibit material ior local building shows, county fairs, etc. more than dispose of his stocks on hand; who both sells a'nd merchandises; who develops ne,w friendships, new prospects, customers and outlets; who capitalizes good will, fair dealing and real constructive s.ervice, for the future effect to be had on his business.
In addition our Servi,ce Department is available to you, upon request, for personal consideration and assistance in connection with individual merchandising problems which may include direct by mail efforts, newspaper advertisin,g, displays, publicity, compilation and use of mailing lists, etc.
But let me say, right now, that this is to be a cooperative affair, pure and sim,ple. If you, as a progressive dealer, want to build up vour own individual business, over your own name, by maiketing California Redwood more wid.ly and at th,e same time creating a wider ,demand for other products you sell, then we stand ready to help.
The Redwood mills are assured of a number of dealers u'ho do want to do this-and we are going to go the limit with them. And we will gladly cooperate with every,de,aler who wants to increase his Redwood business-if he asks us to do so.
Announcements of plans and of material will be made, from time to time, in the California Lumber Merchant. Som,e of you I hope to see personally. Within 30 days now, each (Continued on Page 33.)
5. No 9ne part of the lurnber industry can permanently succeed of itself. The manufacturer muit market his or.oduct through wholesaler and retailer. The wholesaler is aependent upon both manufacturer and retailer. It is impracticable for the retailer to manufacture the raw product into the commodities called for by his communities. Friendships-business connections. and cooperative good will between the various branches of our industry, establishe,d and cemernted during the next few years .il'ill do much to immediately influenCe fa','orable business results and they bid fair to be more vital than ever to manufactur.. and dealer after the btrsiness pendulum has begun-as it mustits downward swing.
Acting for those Redwoocl nrills lvho are our members, the Service Department, California Redwood Association, 'has under way plans, entirely cooperative in nature, which leading retailers and merchandising authorities have been kind enough to say should be of rial benefit to the retail Iumbermen in devel,oping his own individual business, and so, in turn, fhe business of the manufacturer.
Now if, as was undoubtedly the case, real merchandising ideas ancl material were included in your annual inventori ('now happily finished) you will be interested, in knowinl that you can obtain, from the California Redwood Associal tion, withou,t cost, and for your own use, t'he actual m,aterial r,r'ith which to put those ideas into execution.
Such m,aterial includes letter inserts in two colors, windorv displays and window trim, illustrated electros and mats for newspaper advertising, personal letters to architects.