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An Advertising Argument in RhYme
By Jack Dionne
Soliciting advertising isn't always prosatc.
We wrote a strong letter to a sales mana,ger who is considerably literary ,advising him to advertise in our sheet, and he replied with this little verse:
"The heights the great have won and kept, Like Heaven, were not won in single.bound; But they-while others dreamed and sleptWere hewing the path their feet had found."
We understand that he meant we shouldn't expect to grab him off with our first attack, s'o we wrote him back a little rhyme of our own, that read like this : You're wrong, old Scout, this is no up-hill spree; That I must fight while others bat their licls
It's easy sle,dding, dorvn the hill, you see?
So send an ad, and'help me grease the skids.
But this bird rn'asn't to be so easily captured as to fall so soon, and he responded:
"The ,call is keen for an ad, I see, And while Iam n,o Pharisee, The lack of cash preventeth me, Which makes it very Sadducee."
Of course we conldn't let him have the last word in this important rhymed discussion, so we sent this one: I hate to have you Sadducee, For want of filthy lucre-e-e, So if you'll tell your wants, you see, I'll slip a little loan to thee.
He hasn't answered that one. But rve don't dispair, for we know that some of these days he"ll send one that reads like this
The yard stock market's looking fine, I l' | , Timbers are not so bad, Your live wire sheet is mighty fine, We'lI take a full page ad.
(Continued from Page 31.)
of you rvill receive a prelimin'ary letter which we hope you rvill read and to which we hope you will reply, for that letter, replies to which lvill in no way commit you to anything, must of necessity form the basis for ottr cooperatil'e effort.
In closing let me call again to your attention five thoughts rvhic'h it is believed are worth serious consideration by all branches of the lumber industry, and in a,ddition let rlle extend to the o1ficers, the members and the ladies of tlie Sacramento Valley l-umberman's Club, a very cordial invitation (from t:l-re manufacturers of California Redlvood) to holcl one of your summer meetings in the Redwood region. Some of you, I k1ow, have never visited it. Many of you are not familiar rvith its forests, its mills and manufacturing and remanufacturing facilities. We hopre you will set asi,de 3 or 4 days, and visit, with us by machine, some of the grandest and the oldest trees in the world. Something that is typically Californ'ian and well worth a visit. Come, and ge't acquainted, with our product and 1.ours, its logging and manufacturing, and its men and facilities.