1 minute read
Oak Fre
T IS the seleetion of only the best rough oak lumber.
All lumber is thoroughly air-dried before being placed in kiln.
It is kiln-dried in modern moist-air kilns.
All lumber allowed to cool for 72 hours after kiln-drying, so ' that it will attain its natural condition before it is manufactured into flooring.
Modern machinery used in ripping, which reduces crooked flooring to a minimum.
Best side-matcher machines known, kept in perfect condition at all times, thus insuring perfectly matched stock.
Famous end-matcher machines used, making this feature of our flooring perfect.
High class, experienced graders, standing directly behind the machine, mark the grades as the stock is manufactured.
Chief inspector and several assistants constantly check the grading of the men behind the machines.
All Long-Bell oak flooring is bundled with annealed wire, two pieces to each bundle.
Moisture-proof sheds keep the stock in perfect condition.
A large well assorted stock on hand atall times, enables us to give prompt service to our trade.
Good average lengths shipped in all grades and sizes.
Long-Bell oak flooring can be identified by the Long-Bell hade-mark on every piece.