2 minute read
Lumber By-Products, North and South
From Shasta's Lofty Summit to Coronado's Silver Strand.
Floyd Dernier Starts National Campaign To Help Papers Boost Homes
A national campaign of splendid dimensions and,most intelligent preparatio,n and effort, is just being laun,ched by Floyd Dernier of The Lumbermen's Service Association, Los Angeles.
For the past several years Mr. Dernier's organization has furnishe,d to thirty or more newspapers of California cities full page home building and boosting ,cartoons, appearing weekly, fifty-two shots of fine home building thoughts every year.
This year he has decided to give the entire country a try at this service, believing that the newspapers of the country are searching for rvays and means by which they may assist and direct the home buildi'ng desires of their respective towrls.
He has prepared, and there is already off the press, a 34page book, 9 by 12 inches in size, and beautifully done in art w,ork in colors. Each page of the book is a reproduction of one of the plates offered in this service, so that the nev/spaper editor who receives the book will be able to visualize just what he is getting.
This handsome book is being mailed to no less than three thousand of the leading newspapers oftthe United States.
Mills Running Overtime To Meet Demands In Arizona
'.fucson, Ariz.-ftay Babbitt, manager for the Babbitt interests, who was a recent visitor in Tu,cson, reports that 'the sawmills of Northern Arizo'na are m,ostly running overtime trying to keep pace with the dema"nd, for Arizona lumber. He ascribes the greater prosperity of the sheep prodtrcers and to the citizenship of Northern Arizona general- lv, for the great improvement in lumber dem,and.
The Antelope Valley Lumber Company,,of Palmdale, has just completed a new a,nd modern lu,mber shed of which rlanag'er Wyman is very justly proud, as it increases the, capacity and improves the appearance of the yard very' mucn.
DouGtAs flR 11{ 0ARG0 t0Ts
We can make prompt all rail shipments
Building Supply Store At Beverly
The George Eastman Company, chased a site in Beverly Hills on building supply store to serve that of Hollywood, has purwhich they will erect a neighborhood.
New Yard At Riverside
It is reported that V. W. Grubbs, Jr., and Alfred H. Smith, both of Riverside, and both em,ployes of The Havward Lumber & Investment Company,'hive left that concern and are opening a new y,ard on West Eighth street. Both are well known,young men.
The Sunrise Lumber Company, retail lumb,er concern of Modesto, has been incorporated under a new name, that of The American Lumber Company. The articles of incorporation have been filed showing $100,000 capital stock, and the following are the newly elected offi,cers: L. R. Gallegos, President; .t.A. Baxter, Vice President; William Wright, Treasurer; J. P. Gilligan, Secretary.
ft is reported that The Am,erican Lumber Com,pany plans to enlarge and improve the yard an,d plant at -Modesto ,and to open other yards in Stanislaus County, with headquarters in Modesto.