1 minute read
Up and DOWn the -ft1 Dtate
The George L. Eastnran Company, well ftnown building material d,ealers of Los Angeles, have been appointed distributing agents f,or the Celotex Company, manufacturers of Celotex "insulating lumber," and will serve the trade in parts of Southern California, including Los Angeles, San Bernardino, Riverside and Orange counties. Celotex is a patented material, made of cane fibre and is used both as a wall board and as an insulating medium. It is sold through the retail lumber dealers and through other distributors of building material.
Some day I'll be asked to move, So you bet it doth behove Me to heed the "OWN HOME" sign, Cop a place that's mine-ALL MINE, Pay the derned rent to myself, Use a little of my pelf Buying things f like-and need, Ere I really go to seedGosh ! I'd like to own some loam ' On which I could built my HOME ! And I can too, if I try Long ere 23 flips by.'
(Continued from Page 4O) planning for a department in our organiz'ation that will be competent and have the disposition to interpret the needs and dues of our employes to us as employers, and of us to our employes. We have been in business 'for forty-seven years. We have always tried to view both sides of the subject of e,mploye and employer and, while in large part we have felt we have fairly well succeeded, yet we can look back and see mistakes on the side of self. We are trust,ing that such mistakes will not occur again.
In closing, may we say that the world would be m,uch happier an,d better off in every way if the Golden Rule prevailed throughout. And we are sincerely trusting that this state of mind may prevail in connection with all the departments of this company fhroughout its operations at Longview and wherever else we are engaged.
Ours is a friendly company and we value friendship above all else. It is with this thought in mind that I make this statement of who and what we are and something of our hopes and plans for the future as the first step toward gaining the respect, confi'dence a,nd friendship of the people of the Pacific Northwest.
Chairm,an oI the Board of Directors
Quake Damages Pacific Sheds
f'heslight earthquake shock that was felt along the northern coast of California a *'eek or so ago did some damage to the property of the Pacific Lumber Company at Scotia. Some of the sheds in whieh lumber stocks are piled were shaken up a bit, but the mill and machinery were not hurt.