2 minute read
Walter Scrim On Eastern Trip
lValter Scrim, Los Airgeles, United States' representative of the Finlay-Millar Tim6er Co. and the Kolambugan Lumber and Development Co., of Manila, P. I., manufacturers and distributorJ of Philippine Mahogany, has left on an extended eastern business trip. His tripwill include .a survey of the Pacific Northwesi, Middle West and Atlantic Coast states. Mr. Scrim will be in east about a month.
Sale of the Gregg Marshall Lumber Co. at Palmdale to J. K. Drinnon of Gallup, New Mexico, has been announced. Mr. Drinnon has been engaged in the lumber business for the past twenty-six years, the last five of which was spent in Gallup whire he was the owner of the Home Lumbir Co. Mr. -Drinnon has sold his yard at Gallup, New Mexico.
Harry Gaetjen In Hospital
Harry W. Gaetjen, popul4r president of the Millwork Institute -of California, was operated on February 2 in the Stanford Hospital, San Francisco. He is now getting along nicely and is able to receive visitors, but will likely be -in the [ospital about a month. His many friends hope for a quick recovery.
1928 Handbook For Architects And Builders Now Ready
The 1928 edition of the Los Angeles Annual Builders' Guide is now being distributed and even though the 1927 edition was conceded to be the finest and most complete building ordinance handbook in publication, the-present edition- is undoubtedly even better with the additional features incorporated, including the complete new Plumb: ing Ordinance and a very complete index thereto, new mips of the Fire Districts brought 9P to date, and all texi matter revised to date and officially proofread.
This handbook is now most universally used by the building fraternity of Los Angeles and Southern California and" is also uied as a text book in the schools. The Los Angeles Builders' Guide has been approved by the Los Anleles Board of Public Works, the Department. of Building"and Safety, the Builders' Exchange, the- Lrcs.Angesles ehamber of Co--.tce, the A-rchitectural Club of i,os Angeles, the Southern California Chapler.of th.e American Ins-titute of Architects, the Southern California Chapter of the Associated General Contractors and the Allied Architects' Association.
This handbook presents in official form the tr-os Angeles Building Ordinance complete, illustrated and cross indexed; t-he ttew Plumbing-Ordinance with a very complete index to same; the Los Angeles Electrical Ordinance and supplementary rulings of the Department of Electricity; the State Housing Ait of California, and special subsidiary ordinances, such- as excavations in and use of streets, set-back lines, the Ordinance on refrigeration, tables and charts and special technical articles of interest to the building frateinity. A1l text copy is read by th-e best possible aithorities -and all drawings are officially signed, so this handbook has become indispensable. The official monthly new ordinance service which goes to ^ each book holder -has proven a wonderful help in Los Angeles- on ac.ouni of ihe many changes necessary in the building ordinances of the city.
The preparation of the Present Hoff, the General Manager of the Association, about nine months work are apparent in the make-uP 1928 edition.
edition has taken A. C. Inter-State Educational and the results of his and completeness of the