1 minute read
conYinced me that what is said of the Laminex door is true."
firousaNos ofcarpenters andbuilders
I know from personal experience that moisture cannot hurt a Laminex doorcannot make it warp, swell or split.
Trouble-proof doors make satisfied customefs
Laminex doors give the kind of trouble-proof service that pleases your trade-that builds up repeat order sales -that adds to your profits. A Laminex dealer does not have the expense and bother of replacing doors. Laminex doors, bearing our yellow replacement guarantee label must make good or we will.
Made by the world's largest door manufacturer
Laminex doors are constructed and guaranteed by the largest manufacturer of doors in the world. More than a million Laminex doors have been made and distributed in all parts of the United States and foreign lands. They are standing up in climates which are notoriously hard on doors.
'Why not stock Laminex doors?
lYby don't yot condact the lamou Laminexdoornakins teil. ubicb bas been pablicly madc in a/! partr ol tbc col.ntry? It prcvct aont/il.Jtrelt to !otr ,rade -and J 0r lailf ,toJ1t- tha, damhnes uill neuer mahc a Leminex door uarp,split or come 4p4rt.
Leading distributors can supply you with popular styles of Iaminex doors, each one bearine our vellow replacement quarantee label i'nd the word "Lar',rrNnx"I If your jobber cannot supply you with Laminex doorr, write us a"d'*'e will give you the name of one who will. Other so-called guaranteed doors lack the moisrure-resistance that onlv Laminex waterproof cement can give. Wliy not put in a tiial stock and condict a soaking teit to prove to your trade how good Lamin6x doors^really ar6? Mail the coipon for our new book that describes the construction of Laminex doors and for complete instructions for conducting a business-building Laminex door soaking contest.