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GeorgeW.Robinson to Represent McCormick in Valley TerritorY
George W. Robinson
The Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co' announces the appointment of George W. Robinson as representative in the Sacramento and San Joaquin Valleys.
Mr. Robinson is well known to the lumber trade in this territory, having for the past several years been connected with the San Joaquin Lumber Company, Stockton, and prior to that period covered the territory for the San Francisco wholesale firm of Merrill Robinson Co' For some years before that he was associated with the Robert Dollar Company in Seattle, where he looked after export shipments. He will make his headquarters in Stockton.
Thank Southern California Lumbermen For Entertaining Children At Annual Christmas Party
B. W. Byrne, secretary of the \Mestern Hardwood Co', Los Angeles, is in receipt of the following letters fJom the Los Angeles Orphanage and the Los Angeles Orphans Home in which they express their appreciation to the lumbermen of Southern California who were the hosts to the children of these two institutions at the annual Christmas Party on last December 22. The party was sponsored by the Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo Club. Nearly 400 children from these institirtions lvere guests of the lumbermen on that day.
My dear Mr. Byrne:
Will yoo pleaie thank the Hoo-Hoo Club for the delightful day yoo g"i" thi children at Christmas. The thanks of the Board of -Direclors are a little late but none the. less sincere for the part taken by you and your club in helping make ihe children's Christmas a very rnerry one and one to be long remembered.
Thanking you all again, I am, believe me,
Sincerely yours,
EMMA R. DAWSON, Correspondence SecretarY, Los
Angeles Orphans Home.
112 Market St. - San Francirco TclcPhonc Sutter 7l)99
Dougtar Fir - Spnrcc ' Redwood
Redwood and Cedar Shinglcr
Fir Piling ' Cdar Portr
Split Rcdwood Productr ot""t" *ir'l;oEl3*"LJlh e
There Is A Reason
Why the largeat millr are in' stallins our IMPROVED AIR _COOLED REFUSE BURNERS.
WE ARE ABLE to care for your requirements forair cooled and brick lined refure bunerrnew and ured boilerr of all sizes and typer.
Seattle, Warh.