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H()BBS, lTAtt & C().
High Grade Redwood and Fir
Owning and Openting Steame.rc
South Coast
The Hoo-Hoo Club, clo Mr. B. W. Byrne, 2014 East 15th St., Los Angeles, California hgain thinking: you most sincerely, I am,
Kindlv accept my .in..t" thanks for the wonderful entertainment siven oirr iittle bnes at the Elite on December Z2nd' TEe day was ideal, nothing was wanting to make it a Perfect Dav and tlie self-sacrifice of the members of the Hoo-Hoo Club who so generously gave up their -time and conveniences for them will nevei be forgotien by the children. Trulv they have brough-t sunshine into their lives and their charity will not go unrewarded.
To see the joy depicted on their faces and to hear the many wonderful storiei they had to tell of the good time given them would have somewhai compensated you for the pain and trouble vou took in sivine them such a lovely time.
- May etmigtrty God bless you and may the.New Year bring many biessings-upbn your Club and each member in particular.
Very gratefully yours, SISTER CECILIA.
Los Angeles Orphanage,
Ample Stockc at the Mill
Plus Three Steamerg Insure
Prompt Delivery
Sar Francirco Oficc: No. t Dnrmn Strsct Phonc Kcarncy 2795
Lor An3clcr O6cc: llSl South Broadrey Phone WErtmorc 26illl
This Column of "'Wants" and *Don't Wants" is for:
The Fellow Who Wants to Buy
The Fellow \ilho \Mantg to Sell
The Fellow \ilho Wants to Hire
LUMBER YARD SITE-For salc or lease. Two acres on a Los Angeles Boulevard. Four-cent rate, spur track, sheds, planing mill building, burner, racks, etc., all ready to go. Will sell on terms or lease with option to buy. Address Box C-160, c/o California Lumber Merchant.
EXPERIENCED LUMBERMAN-wants to locate in or near Los Angeles. Experienced in Cedar Poles, Shingles and allied products. High class references, wholesale or retail. Would consider com_mission proposition. Address Box C-l79, California Lumber Merchant.
YOUNG LADY STENOGRAPHER-seven years' experienced in wholesale lumber. on Coast. Can do invoicing and assist on books. Rapid and accurate. A-l references. Address Box C-175, care Calif. Lbr. Merchant.