3 minute read
The Hoo Hoo Supreme Nine Meeting at Kansas City
By Fred Roth; San Francisco, Supreme Bojum.
When Snark of the lJniverse, James Brown called the meeting of the Supreme Nine to order at .Kansas Citv. Missouri. on lan- 'uaffisemblida t-^--group Epresenting all phases of the lumber industry and all politi- cal and social sections of the United States and Canada.
From the New England States we had Donald Hyde, representing those stern, deep-thinking pil- grim settlers, one of whom so ably rules our destinies in the White House today, giving us cool administration with Coolidge prosperity. From Miami, Florida, we had our warmhearted friend.
William Brock, who personifies that southern hospitality reminding one of those famous southern dishes and mint julips. Those who were so fortunate as to be able to attend the last Annual are still ringing their praises for his generosity and. hospitality. From Texas, where men are men and women governors, Gaines Whitsitt brought that spirit of freedom of thought from those wide open ipaces. Our jovial and colorful Scrivenator, Colonel "Hoot Mon" James Lightbody and Rex Chesbro came with their inspirations from that vast and rich Dominion of .Canada where Volstead is still a myth. Your humble representative from California tried to bring the spirit of our romantic state blessed with sunshine and flowers, to our less fortunate brother.
Charles Macrae of Cleveland. Ohio.
With this diversity of minds, what could be more fitting than Melvin Riner'i invitation to meet at Kansas Citvl. Here in the middle west, well noted for its thrift and is the balance wheel of our country, r,r'e could coalesce and render our decisions for the policies of the order for the ensuing year. Perhaps the Republican party had the same thought in mind when selecting this as iheir convention city.I wonder if Jack Dionne could ofier as good an excuse to go to Houston ?
Our first order of business was the setting of a date for the next Annual. The fourth Tuesday of September was selected so as to give our Secretary-Treasurer time to prep-are a full report after the closing of the Hoo Hoo year on the ninth day of the ninth monthbf the year. A resolu. tion'was adopted requesting the Secretary to call all the l€wly elected members of the Supreme Nine.together within thirty days after their election at the annrial. It was also the concensus of opinion that we fecommend to the next Arrnual that an amendment to the byJaws be made whereby four members of the Supreme lrline remain in office-for two years, and that the outgoing snark be made ex-officio member of the Nine, so we will at all times have some experienced officers directing our Order. fn counsel with past Snark Arthur Hood, recommendations were made to increase the.membership of the Osirian Cloister and that special effort be made to receive Hoo Hoo who have rendered exceptional service to the order.
A goal of twenty-five hundred new inembers was set for this year. The secretary was directed to advise every vicegerent to hold at least one concatenation between now and $eptember ninth. Also that vicegerents and the other officers be pledged to endeavor to secure more life membirships.
A unanimous wish was extended to Tabberwock Macrae that.a. Club be organized in Washingion, D. C., making gpecial effort to secure the membership of the Nationil Lumber Manufacturers' Association, thi members of the U. S. Forestry Department and any members of the Cabrnet.
It was the concensus of opinion that the term "Wood Products of the Coast" be used in place of the term "Lumber" and that all individuals of the lndustries coming under this title will be governed by the eligibility ruleJ of the order.
_ 4_ plan submitted to the Annual at Miami to open up the Bulletin to advertising was turned down in the beJt interests of the order.
After much thought and discussion, the advisability of enlarging our insurince benefits at increased dues was rejected for this time.
A motion was made and passed that the Snark and Secretary be empowered to put on an additional field man, or men, whel in their judgment we have the necessary funds. Some beli,eve an additional field man would more than pay his expenses.
Our last official act was to select Boston as the meeting place of the next annual.
We believe that our hew Hoo Hoo is of eminent value to the lumber industry and that retailer, manufacturer and all interested in the rvood products of the forest realize that through Hoo Hoo we can put the lumber business on the pinnacle of industrial prosperity.
St. Louis lumbermen are so confident that through their Hoo Hoo Club they have subscribed sixty thousand-dollars, twenty thousand ayear for three years, io be spent for prom9l-ion of woods products. The Celotex Company spent ten million dollars advertising during the past iive yCars and increased their sales from 18,699,359 fCet in tgi7 to Z3S.550,000 f.eet in 1927. Who knows but what thev will make 300,000,000 in 1928?
With our orgarrization the lumber fraternity can reach even greater goals.