2 minute read
Reversible Sash a Feature of the New American Window
Ilouston, Texas, Firm Announces Extraordinary Improvements on'Present Double-Hung Type of Window
For more than a century and a half there has been no improvements made in the double-hung window. It is today exactly the same arrangement which has been in use for nearly 160 years.
As a mediurr of supplying the all-important requisites of light and air, the window has come to be a sort of necessary evit. For vears builders, architects and owners have recognized the ihortcomings of the window but it has been tol- erated as the best that could be had simply for the want of something better.
In the development of the American Window the present two-sash type of window remains unchanged iq 1ppearance. New tonveniences have been added through ingeniously designed hardware of sturdy dependable character. There is nothing radical in the method of attaining the improvement. No tiick hardware, springs or complicated mechanism is used. AWCO hardware fits any style or thickness of double-hung window.
Perhaps the foremost inponvenience of the present twosash type of window is that of cleaning the outside pane. With ihe advent of multi-storied skyscrapers this has become not only an inconv.enience but an expensive problem. Thousands of dollars must be added to the upkeep of buildings to provide special ways and means of cleaning the outside of windows. The best method devised so far has proven not only expensive but dangerous.
All thjs has been eliminaled now. A simple set of hardvr'are manufactured by the American Window Company of Houston, Texas, enables one to clean the outside of the window pane from inside the room with no greater efiort than required to dust the top of a table. Both sash completely ielnerse for cleanilrg without effort on the part of ihose-doing the job. Any woman can reverse and clean the ouier ["tt.. bt ttt" American Window in but a few moments'time.
The appearance and design of the present double-hung window'iemains the same. - The efiortless reversibility of both sash is one of the features of the new American Wi4dow. The upper sash tilts inward from the top, providing ventilation aGolutelv free from weather-hazard, thereby eliminating the necessity of costly ventilating acc-essories' The windo-w automatically locks in ventilating position, secure from outside entrance.
Both sash automatically lock when closed. Both sash may be completely removid in a half moment -f-or repairing or glazing. -The operation of the American Window does noiinteriere with weatherstripping, blinds, screens, shades or draperies. It is as completely weather-proof as the present two-sash type.
But now, Ihe ttew American Window at one stroke wipes out all previous conceptions of what a window should be. It compietely surmounts all the old inconveniences of .the window and at the same time does not affect the use of various window accessories such as screens, iron grills, weatherstripping, curtains, etc.
AWCO hardware is marketed through modern millworking plants and sold as a complete unit of sash and frame iryiih hardware installed, according to architect's specifications. The frame necessary for the American Wind-ow difiers but slightly from the usual type. Hardware may be installed by any carpenter understanding a blue -print. It requires no niortising or counter-sinkingto install AWCO hardware. AWCO hardware for wooden sash is available in finishes to harmonize with any decorative scheme that may be utilized in the home.
This new AWCO hardware has so completely revised the convenience and utility of the window that judged by Pl1evious standards a window is no longer a window. The price of the American Window installed is but slightly ibo*,e the cost of the present two-sash type.