1 minute read
Electric Hand Saw
Thc saw you take to the lumber inetead of the lumbet to the saw.
Built in sizes for alt cltsser of work where a pott able hand saw cur be used.
Operates ftotn ordinary light socket. Weight 10 to 26 lbs.
The lOJb. saw ideal for cutting veneer.
Why not investigate the rnany places you can use a SKILSAV in your busin6s?
Syntron motorhss electriO hanmers for concrete &illing and chipping. For erecting machin. ery frd remodeling jobs.
Electric Drills A[ Sizes
Tqplo Sold . Rented - Repaired
306 East Third Street Los Angeles Mutual 75OS
Young Lady Estimator, bookkeeper, cashier, typist, credit and general office work, etc., wants position. Eight years' lumber experience. Seven years local. Highest recommendations from reputable concern. Address Box C-178, care California Lumber Merchant.
FINE OPPORTUNITY FOR HUSTLER-Good woodworking shop and Planing Mill in suburban town near Los Angeles. Includes land, buildings, complete and modern machinery or will sell business and equipment and leasc land and buildings. Owner has other business. Write or see J. B. Blue,2,000 V"tt.t h:levart|, Rosemead.
For Sale
Complete set of lumber rollers in good condition.
1 Bookkeeper's desk and stool.' flat top desk and chairs. Burroughs Adding Machine.
L. C. Smith Typewriter.
Viney-Milliken Lumber Co.
Ie thc ideal location for that new lumber manufacturing plant of youre.
Pordand ic in the heart of the big timber rcgion of the Pacific Northwegt. ,It alrc has an abundancc of cheap hydro-clectric power for marrufacturing purposcs. Good occan and railway ehipping facilitieq a mild climatc and a fair cupply of ckilled labor, practically all of which is non-union.
I will bc pleaecd to eerve you in the location, deeign and conatruction of that ncw rnill of yours.
Henry Black
C.a m pletc B uilding Con * r uction
Spccial Attention Given to Repair Work
383 Pittock Block - Portland, Orcgon Tclcphonc Brordway t06l) lron \ilorkcr, Comcnt lllorkcn, BricL Lryon, C,rrlrcntcn, Roofcrr, Plunbcrr, Elcctricieur, Crbinct-neLcn, Printer rad Pepcrhugcrr; alro Rcel Ertatc Bondr aad Mort3e3cr.