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Arthur Twohy With His 1907 Buick Appears in
Arthur E. Twohy, president of the Twohy Lumber Co. of Los Angeles, and famed for his colle,ction of old automobiles, app,ears in the moving picture "Cimarron" with one of his prize automobile specimens. "Cimarron" is the picturization of Oklahoma before it be,came a state. As the story is epo,chal, when the 1907 scenes are thrown on the screen Mr. Twohy at tihe wheel himself and all decked up in paraprhernalia that autoists wore in that period, appears with his t9O7 two cylinder Buick. His appearance on the s'creen with his antiquated Buick is one of the high lights of the pi'cture.
Worst is Over, Lumber Distributors Believe
Washington, Mar'ch 6.-Dgspite the dark picture presented in January and February, retail lumber dealers and manufacturers' salesmen "are unanimous in the belief that the worst is over and that March will witness a gradual increase in all types of building", says the March i6sue of The Lumber Market, giving the consensus opinion of its more than a thousand reporters from all sections of the country. In the lumber trade these correspondents look for a necessary stocking-up of retail yards in line with these fore'casts. A,ccording to The Lumber Market, 'compiled monthly from reports by manufacturers' representative wholesalers, retailers, banks, building and loan associations and wood using industries by the National Lumber Manufacturers Association. dealers' stocks are approximately t2/o\ and 15% below last year's and 1929 stocks.
In February as compared with January, The Lumber Market states, the lumber industry declined in all departments. Sales to retail distributors and industrials and prices paid by them, sales by retail distributors and prices se,cured by them all were lower than in the first month o{ the year. Industrial consumption and all types of building con'tinued in the same dormant condition that marked the previous month.
Expected lumber requirements as srhown on the publication's "Lumber Demand" map indicate that its correspondents look forward to a slight increase during March over February requirements in all save five states, In New Mexico, Alabama, Georgia and South Carolina no ,change is forecast. In Arkansas lorver requirements are forecast. All other states are in the positive column.
Carlton Adams Convalescing
Carlton Adams, San Diego, representative of the Union Lumber Company, is rep,orted convalescing nicely following an operation at the Mer'cy Hospital, San Diego, on February 23. He expects to be ,calling on the trade again around the middle of March.
Fred Kennedy Visits Los Angeles
Fred Kennedy, sales manager at the Hammond Lumber Company mill, Samoa, Calif.., was a recent visito'r at the company's Los Angeles yard.