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Profitable Turnover
O fnstruct your salesmen to capitalize the nation-wide pref erence f or Celotex-insulated homes. Send today for tle Celotex Merehandising Plane-to help your men produco a faeter, more profitable turnover.
IIE only power that will move a dealeros stock is consumer acceptance. And the only power that will build this acceptance is a broail and continuous national advertising campaign.
That is why The Celotex Company has spent millione in nation-wide publicity. From its very first year Celotex has been backed by powerful advertising campaigns which point out the merite of Celotex insulation for year 'round comfort, Iower fuel bills, and attic remodeling.
In 193I, 54 publicatione will carry the Celotex campaign-the greatest aggregation of sales power mediums back of any insulation material.
Thie means, in total number of advertisementB, that 13200001000 sales power unite will drive home the Celotex story in 1931.
The Celotex Company, glg North Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. In Canada: Alexander Murray & Companyo Ltd., Montreal. Sales distributore tlroughout tle V'orld.