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Cuts So Smooth That Joints Can Be
its offices in San Fran907-8 Financial Center of the California Red- t'Factrtt says Vebster, ttis that which is of actual occurrence.tt We have ttfacts" that prove there is no wood superior to REDVOOD for durabilitythere is no substitute for REDWOOD.
In many shopr where the PLANER SAW hag been inctalled the nccersity of planing before glueing jointr hae been elim- inated. Thir is due to the rmooth, fart cutting of thir eaw, The Planer Saw croer-cutr or ripr on hard or eoft wood and does not burn or rcorch. Made 6 to 24 inchee in diameter.
/ tne California Redwood Association moved its offices f March 2 f.rom the old location at 24 Calilornia Street, San Frin,cisco, to the offices formerly occupied by The Little River Redwood Company in the Financial Center Building, 405 Montgomery Street, 'corner of California Street.
An invitation was sent out by the association to all lumber 'dealers and the trade generally to be present at the official opening on Thursday afternoon, Mqrch 12. The invitation read-in part: "This new home of Redwood will be dedi,cated to the servi,ce of the building industry. You are invited to use this organization and urged to be present at its'house warming"'.
The association's telephone number remains the same as before, EXbrook 7880.
Arizona Annual To Be Held
Redwood Association Has 'Where Speed and Economy New Home Keep Step May 15-16-L7
The.annual meeting of the Lumbermen's Club of Arizona will be held at Phoenix, Ariz., on May 15, 16 and 17. The Adams Hotel will be the convention headquarters,
Returns From Northwest Trip
G. M. Har.rington, of MacDonald & Harrington Ltd., San Francisco, retu,rned March 4 from a business trip to Oregon, where he called on a number of the mills on the Columbia River and vi'sited the firm's Portland office.
Booth-Kelly Douglas Fir, tlre Association grade and trade mark certifu to your customers the quality of the stock you handle. Buildere quit guessing about what they're buying, and buy where they know what they're getting. General
Seattle, Wash., Feb.26.-4 radical departure from standard constru,ction for apartment partition walls, has been developed by a firm of architects here. Lumber, tongued-' and-grboved, 2x6, is mostly cut to length for partition use before it is first used in forms for the concrete construction. After it has been used in shoring, bracing, stringers and soffit boards it is taken down and built into mill construction partitions.
The typical partition consists of the 2x6's set up vertically, making a solid two-inch wall. For sound resistant partiti'ons, this wall is covered with sound insulating material on both sides and plastered. For minor partitions it may be lathed with wood lath. Where wood lath is used, it is furred out by lath strips set vertically at about 16-inch centers, and the w,hole nailed through to the 2x6 c'ore.
This ,constru,ction is extremely solid, sturdy and resistant to fire and sound; but being thinner than standard hollow walls, effects a saving in space. All the floor formwork is used in the partitions. The only waste consists of the cleats and possible odd lengths, most of which are used up in the partitions over doorways, etc. The wall is almost air tight, even before lath and plaster are applied. The construction .is simple. 'Workmen are able to go through with the various steps with great speed.
B. W. Lakin, McCloud, Calif., general manager of The McCloud River Lumber Co.. has returned to McCloud following a three weeks' combined business and pleasure trip to Los Angeles and other Southern California points.