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Northwestern Mutual Fire Ass'n 1930 Report
M. D. L. Rhodes, president of the Northn'estern Mutuai Fire Association, in-his 1930 report to the policy-holders of the company states:
"The premium income of 1-our companv in 1930 exceeclecl six million seven hunclred thousancl dollars. the largest in its history. This a'cconrplishment rvas due to the lovalty of our poliiyholders of minv vears stancling, and to the acquisition of many nerv policvholclers n'ho turne<l to us to secure the advantages and savings of the mutual insurance system.
"T'he company's assets, reserves and surplus have been materially increased, and its resources rvere greater at the close of 1930 than at the end of any preceding year, this, notwithstanding the payment of losses exceeding trvo million nine hundred thousand dollars. The 1930 figures for all comDanies are not vet available. but the North'ivestern's premium income forihe years 1928 and, 1929 was the largest of any mutrral fire insurance company in the rvorld.
"On April 24 of this year the company lvill have completed its thirtieth year. Up to January 1, 1931, it had paid to its policvholders losses in excess of trventy-four million seven hundred thousand dollars ; ancl had made savings and returned dividends in excess of fifteen rnillion eight hundred thousand d'ollars."
The Northrvestern Mutual Fire Asso,ciation are the official carriers of fire insurance for the California Retail Lumbermen's Association.