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H. \M. Bunker Discusses Problems Of Lumber ./ Manufacturers
{'Homer W. Bnnker, president of the Coos Bay Lumber Co.,. .San Francisco, was the speaker of the day at the regular monthly meeting of San Francicso Hoo Hoo Clulr No. t held at the Commercial Clrrb, San Francisco, February 26.
A. J. "Gus" Russell, Santa Fe Lumber Co.. introducecl the speaker, who discussed some of the problems of the Douglas fir manufacturers, anlong rvhich tvere ltro'duction, substitutes, quality, high cost of rnerchand,ising and the creation of new business.
In speaking on the subject of production Mr. Bunker estimated the productive capacity of the fir mills of Washington and Oregon to be l7l billion feet a year, and compared this with the 10 billion feet sold in the best year.
Mr. Bunker sa,id many industrial concerns had quit using lumber altogether on account of the difficulty of getting a uniform quality of product, and that it is up to the mills to make a better and more uniform product.
The speaker said one of the big jobs ahead of the manufacturer is the creation of new business. New business can be created, he said, if the mills will go out an,d ,camparign for it. New uses for lumber can be found, but lols bf energy must be put into the effort to find new pla,ces to put their product.
President Jim Farlel' presided, and just after luncheon granted time to a speaker for the Community Chest.
The gathering stood in silence for a few moments out of respect to Albany M. S. Pearce; late manager of the Oakland yard of the E. Wood Lumber Co., whose funeral'took place that da1',
The president made an appeal to, those present to subscribe $25.00 to wipe off a deficit in the accounts of the Hoo Hoo Christmas party for the orphans and needy chil- dren. The money was contributed by those present.
Vernonia Mill Operating
The big sawmill of the Oregon-Arne,rican Lumber Co. at Vernonia, Ore., resumed operation on February 19. It is operating on a one-shift, six,day basis, and will continue to run on this basis unless forced to,curtail by general market conditions.
Santa Fe Lumber Co., San Francisco and Los Angeles, are the exclusive rail representatives for this mill in California and Arizona.
Redwood Gets Boost In Western Masazine
In an article in the March issue o,f Sunset Magazine entitled "We Get a New Effect With Redwood in Our Basement Living Room", Curtis Redfern tells of the beautiful effect he obtained by the use of Redwood for interior fin- ish. In his treatment of the woo.d he usecl slaSh grain lumber and removed the soft sap wood with a wire brush, leaving the grain of the wood in bold relief. Driftwood stain was applied and the wood was then waxed and polished, the polishing being done with a bristle brush.
It will not be surprising if as a result of this arti.cle lumber dealers get inquiries Jrom,many.of the more than 200,000 readers of Sunset regarding the possibi,lities of Redrvood for interior finish.