2 minute read
complies with prevailing building codes.
2 layerc of thirty-pound No. I Kraft papef,. I layer of Asphaltum.
Mullen test (bursting strength) minimum 65 lbs. per square inch.
Water tesistance (ground glass test) minimum 10O hours.
Density-Minimum 200 seconds Crourley Test. Weight-2O pounds per roll of 50O square feet.
Forest Service Notes
That the national forests of California are not and never have been closed to prospecting and legitimate mining development is proved by the fact that 76 per cent of all applications for mineral patent, made during the years 1910 to 1930, inclusive, were favorably reported on by the U. S. Forest Service, according to L. A. Barrett, assistant regional forester of the San Francisco headquarters. In over 8O per cent of the contested cases the Department of the Interior sustained the Forest Service protest. During this same period the Forest Service instituted contests against 55 groups of mineral locations on national forest land, which were being used for purposes other than mining, and has been successful in every case decided to date, Barrett said.
The higest mountain peak in each of the 11 western states is: California, Mt. Whitney, 14,496 feet, the highest point in continental United States; Colorado, Mt. Elbert, L4,4n feet ; Washington, Mt. Rainier, l4,qg feet; Wyoming, Gannett Peak, 13,783 feet; Utah, Kings Peak, 13,498 feet; New Mexico, North Truchas Peak, 13,306 feet; Nevada, Boundary Peak (White Mountains) , 13,145 feet; Montana, Granite Peak, 12,850 feet; Idaho, Borah Peak, 12,653 feet; Arizona, San Francisco, 12,6Il feet; Oregon, Mt. Hood. 71.263 f.eet.
Cattle were first brought into California from Mexico by the Spaniards in 1769 and sheep followed in 1793. Large grants of land were given individuals for the purpose of raising livestock. They soon became so numerous that they were valuable only for their hides. Charles Dana in his book, "Three Years Before the Mast," gives a vivid description of loading hides in San Francisco Bay about 1830.
Farmers making fence posts and sawmill men with stacks of lumber will each find the bulletin, "The Air Seasoning of \Mood," by the Forest Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture, useful. Results of two years' work with many varieties and dimensions of wood -handled by practical methods at the Forest Products Laboratory are given. Copies can be obtained from the Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C.
Something over 3,00O acres have been planted to forest trees in California in the past year, according to statistics compiled by Forest Service representatives for the Department of Agriculture at Washington, D. C. This part of the Federal forest program has been hampered somewhat by fire, browsing animals and dry weather, but is being continued consistently throughout the national forests, according to Regional Forester S. B. Show.
"Restocking forests with the more desirable varieties of trees must be accompanied by rigid fire protection if we are to succeed with planting in any measure at all," Mr. Show said. "Little, planted tlees have no chance whatever in the fires."
Mill Superintendent Killed By Discharged Employe
John W. Bev.is, superintendent of the Inman-Poulsen Lumber Company's mill at Portland, was killed and assistant superintendent George Martin was critically wounded-_,bf revolver- shots fired by Albert Gilbert, discharged millwright, on February 28. Mr, Bevis was about 70 years old and had rrorked at the mill sinc,;: it was opened.