1 minute read
The AIRTITE FRAME & LOCK'JOINT SASH afford the perfect window installation. They make possible a higher degree of insula. tion than heretofore attained. or obtainable with any material other than wood.
Interlockinq ioints of Airtite Framer. Pullev stilei and sash ploughed for Lock-ioint weather.stripping. Novel and unique Lock-Joint Sash meeting' rails with co.acting flanges.
Sill double.horned for blind stop. Outside sill haa %.inch depth for weather. proofjoint with storm sash. Sill and sash ploughed for Lock.Joint weather strips.
All rtock cizee, for all etandard typer of construction. (Fully protected by U. S. Patent No. 1752271. Other U. S. an.I Foreign Patents Pending)
4€l lli;i:rri"' :
Old.style sash cord knot replaced here by metal ferrule connecting cord with angled eocket in side of saoh, which automatically locks iteelf against dis. placement.
Sill moulded with both facee parallel, aesuring tight joint entire width of jamb. Pitch of cill increased to 3 inchee in 12, providing free dtainage.
A completely weathet.etripped unit, ready to install. Entirc cost is less than for old.type of frame and window plus addi. tional cort of weatherstriPtring.
Douglas Fir Lumher, Timbers, f)oor and Window Frames, Trimpak; Western flem. lock Lumber; Western Red Cedar Siding and Shineles; Southern Pine Lumber and Timbers:-southern Ha rds'ood Lumber, Timbers and Trimpak; Oat Flooring,
Weather.Btrips specially de. rigned, made of all heart, edge. grain Dou glasFir. Impregnated with paraffin to make them imoeruious to moisture and to brovide sash lubrication.
*CELLized Oak Flooring Strips' +CELLized Oak Floor Planks, 'CELLized Oak Floor Blocks; California White Pine Lumber, Saeh and Doors, Box Shooks; Cteoeoted Southern Pine Lumber, Timbers' Postr' Poles, Ties, Guard.Rail Posts' Piling.