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Southern Oak Flooring Industries Go On The Air
The Southern Oak Flooring Industries announce a *'eekly radio program beginning the rveek of March 2 over the following stations: Boston, Mass., Station WNAC. Werlnesdays. 7:15 p.m.; Providence, R. I., Station WEAN, Thursdays, 9:00 p.m. ; Chicago, Ill., Station KYW, Tuesdays, 8:45 p.m.; Dallas, Tex., Station WFAA, 10:15 p.m.; Los Angeles, Calif., Station KFWB, Tuesdays, 8:15 p.m.; Portland, Ore., Station KEX, Wednesdays, 8:30 p.m.
The broadcasts 'ivill co'nsist of introductorv and .conclucling announ,cements before and after a rrerl' high grade rnusica'l program of the highest type of music. uncler spe- cial arrangement 'ivith Warner Bros. Pictures ancl their Vitaphone orchestra.
In the station announcements, as in all advertising, ernphasis rvill be laid on the "little rnan" trade mark, u'ho brings the cheerful message of Southern Oak Flooring for beautifying homes and improving publi,c and semi-public buildings-in fact the best of service everyr.vhere oak flooring ma1' l;e .properly used.
The Southern Oak Flooring Industries, Kansas Citl', Ark., is composed of the following rvell known hardrvood rnanufacturers: Arkansas Oak Flooring Companl', Pine Bluff, Ark.; E. L. Bruce Company, Memphis, Tenn.; Crossett I-unlber Company, C,rossett, Ark. ; Fordyce Lumber Compan1., Fordyce, Ark.; Kellogg Lumber Companl'. Monroe, La.; Long-Bell Lumber Sales Corp., Kansas City, Mo.; Memphis Hardrvood Flooring Co., Memphis. Tenn.; Nashville Hardwood Flooring Co.. Nashville, Tenn.; Perfection Oak Flooring Co., Shreve- port, La.; Southern Pine Lumber Co., Texarkana, Texas; Texas Oak Flooring Co.. Dallas, Texas, and Dierks Lumber & Coal Co., Kansas City, Mo.
The Southern Oak Flo,oring Industries announce that they have mailed announcements to a large iist of lurnber dealers throughout the territory reached by the altove radio stations.
Northern Directors Meet In San Francisco
Northerr-r directors of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association held a meeting at the Palace Hotel, San Francisco, Saturday, February 21.
Directors and other prominent lumbermen who attended rve're as follows: Harry A. Lake, president, California Retail Lumbermen's Asso,ciation, Garden Grove; E. T. Robie. vice president, Northern district, Auburn ; Chas. G. Bird, Stockton ; Ira E. Brink, Chico; S. E. Dalton, Oakland; M. A. Harris, San Francisco; A. L. Hubbard, San Jose; Jo H. Sheppard, Saoramento; George Good, Tracy; A. J. "Gus" Russell, San Francisco; Frank Duttle, Oakland; M. D. Bishop, Coast Counties Association, Watsonville ; Warren Tillson. Modesto: Robert Cameron. Mill Valley; Noah Adams, Oakland; Parrl Merner, Palo Alto, and Dee Essley, manager, California Retail I-umbermen's Association, Burlingame.