2 minute read
7th Floor, Alerka-Commercial Bldg. 31O Sansome Str€et !3 San Frangirc, AGENTS
Aberdeea Lumber & Shingle Co. Aberdeen, Wash. Ameiru Mill Co., Aberdeen, Wash.
Edn Edm Chrirtm
Camd Jue ChrictenronRaymond Amie Chrlstau
Sutian Edwin Chrtrtenro
Grayr Hartor Catherire G. Sudda
Buban Cats Elann Chrirtans
Dmthy Cahill Charlec Chrlsta:a
C. W. Schuh, Columbia Box & Veneer Co..Puyallup, Wash.
R. S. Morse. Columbia Steel Co.. San Ffancisco, Calif.
F'. N. Blagen, Davies-Johnson Lbr. Co.. Calpine, Calif.
S. Benton, Diamond Match Co. .. Chico, Calif.
J. F. Daggett, Ewauna Box Co.......Klamath Falls, Ore.
C. C. Watkins, Fandango Box Co. ..Willow Ranch, Calif.
L. H. Kornbrodt, Geigy Co. In,c.. . Portland, Ore.
O. C. Haslett, Haslett-Merguire Shook Supply Co. San Francisco, Calif.
I. E. Kesterson, Kesterson Lbr. Co.. Klamath Falls, Ore.
A. P. Heup, Kesterson Lbr. Co.. Klamath Falls,Ore.
W. H. Trainer, Klamath Lbr. & Box Co.
. San Francisco, Calif.
J. W. Rodgers, Lassen Lbr. & Box Co.
. San Francisco, Calif.
J. M. White, Long-Bell Lbr. Sales Corp.......Weed, Calif.
A. S. Harris, MacDonald & Harrington San Fran,cisco. Calif.
R. L. Ferral, McCloud River Lbr. Co.....McCloud,Calif.
.A. C. Horner, Natl. Lbr. Mfrs. Assn...San Francisco, Calif.
E. E. Bowe, 'Natl. Lbr. Mfrs. Assn.....Los Angeles, Calif.
W. G. Hyman, Pac. Box Corp., Ltd.. San Francis'co, Calif.
Geo. M. Hill, Parker Machine Works. Riverside, Calif.
H. D. Mortensen, Pelican Bay Lbr. Co..Klamath Falls, Ore.
P. V. Burke, Sacramento Box & Lbr. Co. Sacramento. Calif.
C. F. Setzer, Setzer Box Co. Sacramento, Calif.
C. P. Chastain. Setzer Box Co. Sacramento. Catif.
O. C. Haslett, Sierra Box Co. .Twain, Calif.
Herman Paine, South. Calif. Box Co.. Los Angeles, Calif.
F. G. Goff, Stockton Box Co. Stockton, Calif.
James Clifford, Sugar Pine Lbr. Co.. Pinedale, Calif.
W. S. Kennon, Sugar Pine Lbr. Co.........Pinedale, Calif.
F. H. Hart, Timber Products Co. . Medford, Ore.
A. B. Wastell, The Timberman Portland, Ore.
H. B. Eyde, fnspect., U. S. Bur. of Explosives . San Francisco, Calif.
R. S. Morse, U. S. Steel Prod. Co.. San Francis,co, Calif.
F. E. Witte,- Yale & Towne Mfg. Co.. San Fran'cir.o, Catif.
S. M. Hawkins, West. Wood Worker & Furn. Mfr. . seattle. wash.
R. H. Morehouse, Natl. Assn. of Wooden Box Manufacturers ...
A. H. Gordon, Natl. Assn. of 'Wooden Box Manufacturers .. .. San Francisco. Calif.
Miss Thelma Ebert, secretary to John A. Howatt, sales manager of White B,rothers, San Francisco, was married on March 7 to Ralph Gollan. After the honeymoon Mis,s Ebert will ,continue in 'her position at White Brothers.
A. C. Horner Attends Los Angeles Hearing
- A, C. Horner, San Fran'cis,co, western manager for the National Lumbe,r Manufacturers ASsociation, was a Los Angeles visitor the latter part of February where ,he attended a spe'cial hearing of the Los Angeles Board of Building and Safety Commission regarding the plastering ordinan'ce which was revised last August. At the request of the lumbermen in the Los Angeles district, the National Lumber Manufacturers Association asked for a hearing which was held at the Citv Hall on Februarv 26. Mr-. Horner represented the lumber interests at the hearing. At the conclusion of the hearing the Board took the matter under advisement. Many of the Los Angeles lumber dealers attended the hearing.