2 minute read
The Diamond Match Company Retail Yard Managers Hold Conference
oficials,HeadsofDcpartmeJIts,BruichYarilMattagcrs,andMainoficeforcaofthcLumbcrDcpaftmento|TlteDiatnott Itndcd Conlcrcncc, Frontrow,.tt'ttingletttorighti||/.B.Dean,ViccPresidtntand'Genctal C. G. 14olohen, Purchasing Agent ond Sales trtonager; L. H. Danielson, Traaelitg Audiror, Northrn District: S. Hassel, Suft. Milhamb Foctory; Mrs. Ilesta Atchisoil, Telephout Operator, Main Ofice; Mrs. Ila Shier, Stmographer, Main Ofice; Miss Margaret Freeman, Stenographer, Main Ofrice; Mrs. Hazel For, Sales Checher, Main ofice;tIi.tsGgrnaHamiltf,SalesChcchu'Mainofice;Mrs.AliceBnnett,AccountingDept.,I,Iainoficc;A'A'Courteney,TrauelingAud'itor,Sou|hern ll/. B. Dicl:cnson, Managcr Apiary Delt., Chico; S- Benlon, Sales Manoger, Bor Shooh, Cltico. Seconrl rozt', standing1, lelt to right: C. A. Grey, Managcr Retail Yatd, Chico; Ray L. Mohler, L[anager Retail Yard., I/ino; D. R. Traois, Manager Retail Yard, Los Ilolinos; E. H. l4/eld.in, Purchasingl Dcpl., Chico; T. O. Potts, Manager Retail Yard, l'Ieridian; D- E. LVillis, Manager Retail Yord, Liroln; M. H, Getz, Monoger Retait Yard., ll/illiotns: L. C. Til,ton, Monager Retail Yard, Live Oah: W. Kohl, Manoger Retail Yard, Biggs; G. Bordner, Manager Rctail Yard, Gerber; W. H. McCuae, ManagerRctailYart|,Cottotlzt,ood,.F.r\r.Benton,ManatterRetailYart1,Sacromento;C.R.Clazusut,ManagarIletoilYard,Stocbtotl:F.C.Heggie,Monage1.RetailYar' Oahdale.
Third rozy, standing, left to right: R. L. I{uff, Manager Retail Yard, llillozus; W.I. Datis, tr4auagcr Retail Yard., Dunnigan; C. IV. Fmeman, Moruger Retail Yud, Concord.; E. D. Hinelinc, Monager Retail. Yard, Maruell; C. Sclrcb, Manager Retoil Yard, Durhem: C. E. Toof, Managu Retail Yard., Woodlond.; P, Heinrichs, Manogn Retail Yord, Arbuchle ; C. E. Broun, Manager Retqil Yard, Martinez; G. E. Schlosscr, Ir., Manager Retait Yard, Dunsmuir; V. R. Parsou, Itlanager Retail Yard., Anderson; R. A. Vl/oods, Il[araglcr Retail Yard, Esparto; S. W. Iopcs, Manager Retail Yard, Wintcrs; H. A. l,lassey, Mawgcr Retoil Yard,, Rosevitrle; E, Matheny, Manager Retail Yard., Yuba City.
Fmrth ro7.,, standing, left to right: I. Rouland, Managu Retoil Ysrd, Wheatland: E. H. IThitburu, Manager Retail Yard, Grass Vol.ley; W. H. Lodge, Monager Retail Yard, Suistttt; l. Hu11he.r, Manager Retail Yard,' Artois; A. T. McCmich, Traadingl Auditor, Central District; !. !, Miller, Manager Retail Yard, Gidley; A. H. Malm, Managn Rctail Yard, Calt; l. R. Johnson, Manager Retail Yard, Corning; It. P. Petqsen, Managt Relail Yord., E. Nicolaus.
Top rou, bft to rightt L. L. Heyuood., Manager Retail Yard, Hamilton City; H. t. pqztis, Manager Retail Yard. Oroz'ille: O. !. Odegerd, Monager Retoil Yord, Morysaill.e; IL O, Steuart, Managcr Retail Yard., Robbins; P. O. Young, Mawger Rctail Yard, Red Bluf ; L. lI. Whismsn, Msnoger Retail Yord, Richaole; Ed. N. Thode, Manqser Retail Yard, Orland;A. U/, Erickson, Monager Retail Yard, Redding; L. -ralrl, Accounting Dept,, ltlaifl Otice, Chico; l. W. Schlossx, Manoger
Yard, Suttcr.
I A trvo da1's' conference of the retail r-arcl mallagers of I fne Diarnorid Match Companl' was helcl at the collipanl.'s { main office. Chico. Calif., on Februarv 2O and 21. The ts'oda1' session \\ras taken up largelv \\'ith cliscussions 1>ertaining to sales, collections and credits. expenses. aclvertising. etc, The n.ranagers entered into the various discussiotls freelv ar-rd at the conclusion of the conference declarecl it was the best managers' meetinslever helcl by the l-utnber Department. It is now planned/to rnake the Get-Together Meetings of All Managers rvit{ the various heads of the Departments an annual event. ti. E. tsrink. Superintenrlent of Retail Yards, presided at the business sessions.
The Diamond Match Companyrs retail lumber opera- tions, rvhich include 17 .t-ards, extend fronr I)unsrnuir, Calif., on the North, to Stockton, C)akdale and Martinez on the Soutl-r, an area of over three hundred miles in lengtl-r. 'l'he territorv served includes the entire Sacranrento Valley arlcl the upper porti.on of the San Joaquin Valler'. This is largely an agricultural district, dependent uporl grain, fruit. nuts. poultry raising, cattle, sheep and hogs.
W. B. Dean, Vice-President and General Manager of The Diamond Match Company lumber operations. acted as toastnraster at the dinner helcl at the Hotel Oaks, Chico, on Friday evening, February 20. Following the dinner there were open discussions on the outlook in the various comlnunities where the company's yards are located.