1 minute read
Schumacher Shows Visitors Through Los Angeles Plant
A large group of Los Angeles plastering contractors and building material men were the guests of the Schumacher Wall Board Corporation at their large Los Angeles plant on Wednesday evening, Mar,ch 4. Following a splendid dinner at which the visitori were the guests of the company, they were ,conducted through the plant by Earl Galbraith, sales manager, where they saw the various processes employed in the manufa,cture of Schumite Plaster Wall Board and Grip Lath.
The Schumacher plant at Los Angeles occupies seven and one-half acres and is entirely covered with their own buitdings. The fa,ctory where their plaster wall board and grip lath is made is a model for efficiency and is equipped with the very latest machinery. The large warehouse is
Orange County Lumbermen's Club
The February meeting of the Orange County Lumtrermen's Club was held at the Elks Club, Anaheim. Harry A. Lake, president of the California Retail Lumbermerl's Association, was the guest of the evening and delivered an interesting talk on the state-wide situation as regards the lumber industry. Henry Adams, Adams-Bowers Lumber Co., Anaheim, president of the Club, presided at the meeti.g.
A. F. Rademacher Buys Yard
A. F. Rademacher, of Yuma, Ariz., has pur'chased the T. L. Manning Lumber Co. at Rosemead, Calif. For the past twelve years, M'4,. Radema,cher was connected with the Alfalfa Seed and Lumber Co., of Yuma. Mr. Manning will continue with Mr. Rademacher in the operation of the business.
Do Yorr Know That
We have on wharf at Oakland, evailable for immediate shipment, in carload lots or truck delivery:
5/2Pafects 5/2 Extra Clears
6/2 F-xtra Star-A-Star f 1 Green Fir LathSplit Redwood Posts