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National-American lWholesalers Annual

The National-American Wholesale Lumber Association i's speeding its plans for the coming convention at Atlantic City April 15-16. The Convention Committee met at Pittsburgh, February 18th, and outlined the program, which will consist of practical discussions by Association members on subjects in which they have a real everyday interest.

"'What wholesalers are doing to meet the present situation", "The 'Wholesalers' participation in Trade Extension", "Credit Problems of the wholesale distributor", etc. are simply indicative of topi'cs to be considered. A feature of the convention will be the report on the study of a special Merchandising Committee recently appointed to discu'ss the related subje,cts of Wholesalers' Costs, Equitable C_ompensation, Spliiting Commissions and Guiding of Wholesale Distribution through P,roper Channels. fhese problems will consume a large part of the convention, and in addition there will be discussions with manufacturers on the one hand and with retdilers on the other, so that throughout there will be a good picture of conditions f,rom a wholesale distributor's standpoint. The Committee is planning f,or suitable entertainment features.

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