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These are RED\flOOD Facts III
Rsdwood-Strongest in propoilion to weight of any wood so far tcsted by the U. S. Forcst Service.
Redwood-Used for all kinds of construction its and ftnishing
Thole attending the Pittsburgh meeting were Arthur E. ! ane, Presjdent, New York; J. B. Montgomery and W. H. Schuette, Pittsburgh; Dwight Hinckley-, Ciniinnati; Max Vygl., Clev_eland; H. W.-n4cDonough, Boston; John I. Coulbourn, Philadelphia and W. W. Schupner, Selretary.
Ralph Martin to Manage
Booth-Kelly Lumber Co.
Ralph W. Martin, w'ho for the past 15 years has been sales manager of the Booth-Kelt1 Lumbei- Co., Eugene, Ore., has been appointed manager- of the ,company's olerations, succeeding A. C. Dixon who recently resigned irom the managership to give all hi,s time to the affairs of the National Lumber Manufacturers'Association. of which he is president.
Wood That Refused To Burn
New Orleans, La., Feb.27.-"Boss, what kind of wood is dat ?" a negro asked the foreman of the workmen rebuilding the old Charbonnet dock at New Orleans. With the advent of cold weather, a dozen or more neg'roes begged for scraps of lumber to burn. Workmen smiled to ttremselves but l,oaded them up with odds and ends cut ofi from dock timbers. The- negroes went away happy. The next day they were back, puzzled and somewhat-ingry. ,,I burnel up two baskets of kindling trying to start aliie wid it,,, one wood-gathe-rer grumbled. The foreman explained that every bit of wood used in building the new dock had been treated with a new fire-proofing compound making it impervi'ous to fire. To demonstraie, he threw a piecJof timber into the white ,hot interior of a boiler fufnace. closed the door and a few minutes later fished out the piece, unmarred by the flames.
_ Chas. Gar,rison, of the Two Rock Commercial Co., Rock, was a recent business visitor to San Francisco.
Redwood-lts immunity lrom decay and ravager ol white ant makes it degirable for foundations and mudsills.
Redwood-ls non-rcsinous, and i3 compara- tivcfy lree hom swelling and shrinking when thoroughly ssasoned.
Hanr.ntond's are the largest REDWOOD operators. flornm.ond quo,lity is ahnays dapendable.