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Plylock Exhibit Wins Pfize At Northwestern Convention
Pictured here is the prize-winning exhibit of the Oregon-Washington Plywood Company at the 41st Annual Convention of the Northrvestern Lumbermen's Association. The feature of this exhibit was the beautifully grained plywood with which the booth was walled and ceiled. The sign at the left of the booth read: "You'll be surprised how easily and economically a 'Handy Man' can modernize any room in a pleasant evening's work. . . . Applied directly over old walls." The product of the Oregon-Washington Plywood Company, Portland, Oregon, is known as "PLYLOCK" Lumber, a registered name. Plylock Lumber is used extensively in the manufacture of furniture and in all classes of construction. It is also being w'idely used as concrete form material where it is meeting with rapidly increasing demand.
W. G. Kahman, The McCloud River Lumber Co., San Francisco, has returned from a business trip through the east where he visited the various lumber centers. He left San Fran,cisco on January L2 to attend a meeting of the Shevlin organizati'on at Minneapolis, after which he called on the eastern trade. He returned by way of So'ut&rern California, where he spent a few days at the company's Los Angeles office.
Harry M,cGahey, manager of the San Diego Lumber Co., San Diego, was a recent Los Angeles visitor where he called on the trade and attended to ,company business matters.