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Tacoma Lumbermen's Club Exhibits West Coast Woods
An elaborate exhibit of forest products, said to be the most comprehensive ever assembled, u'as prepared by the Tacoma Lumbermen's Club as a feature of the 28th annual convention of the Western Retail Lumbermen's Association, held in Tacoma, Washington, on February 19, 2O and, 21. The West Coast Lumbermen's Association aided in obtaining material for the display and arranging it.
The r.vide variety of uses for rvhich the four principal West Coast woods-Douglas fir, West Coast hemlock, day follorving the closing of the convention, for the particular benefit of Tacoma people. Hundreds of Tacoma citizens, in addition to the visiting retailers, viewed the display.
Display space in the show room was limited strictly to forest products. More than a dozen inclividual manufacturers of wood and wood products had displays of their own, with the result that the exhibit filled the huge room to overflowing and extended into two West Coast woods bungalorvs on the roof.
Western red cedar ancl Sitka sprrlce-are suited lvas graphically indicated by the multitude of different forms in which these r,voods rvere shown in the display. Hundreds of individual iterns were grouped into tuo." th"t 3O display units, rvhich covered many home building, industrial and farm uses of these lr,'oocls. Emphasis rvas placed on dealer sales suggestions.
The exhibit rvas set up in the roof garden of the Winthrop Hotel, a different room than the one used for the convention sessions, making the exhibit available for inspection by all interested at any time during the day or evening. The lumbermen's club issued a special invitation to Tacoma architects, engineers, builders and the public in general to inspect the showing of wood uses and made arrangements for holding the display intact on Sunday, the
Lumberman Buys Plane
Sabin Carr, of the Sterling Lumber Co., Salinas, former Olympic pole vault champion, has pur,chased a new plane for his own use. He holds a private pilot's certificate.
Units in the exhibit of the Tacoma Lumbermen's Club included the follorving: Knotty West Coast hemlock and Western red cedar panels suitable for use as interior finish; samples of new finishes for West Coast rvoods developed by Otto Hartwig, paint advisor of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association ; a model of pre-fabricated horrse designed for unit assembly, particularly rvell suited for mountain cabins, etc.; a display of log cabin siding and pictures showing completed cabins; samples of stained, painted and enameled West Coast rvoocls: models of 'll'ood trussless roofs, roof trusses and a miniature oil derrick; a pictor,ial display of wood airplane hangars with plans and literature; a pictorial display of the seven principal buildings completed in Seattle dur'ing 1930, all of which have u'ood sash and frames; a display. of various types of doors and plyrvood panels; a display of plans and a booklet of a 2000bushel grain bin designed by the West Coast I-umbermen's Association for particular use of Western retail dealers; a section of a new type of partition walls for apartment houses, involving use of 7' x (' Douglas fir in making a solid wood wall, lathed and plastered; sand-etched panels, toys, broom and implement handles, etc.; displav of Western red cedar shingles foiled with aluminum, and cedar shingles coated rvith crushed slate; model of a power yacht built largely from Douglas fir and \A/estern red cedar; equipment for a nerv game affording an opportunity for utilizing short length lumber; knocked-down and assembled furniture; enlarged photos of West Coast forest scenes; a display of West Coast hemlock flooring and photos of hemlock floor installations; charts bringing out the advantages of wood for home construction; series of suggested farm and home improvements; plans for woodbuilt farm conveniences; photos of distinctive frame homes of various sizes and types; photos shorving effective use of lumber in beautifying home interiors; a West Coast woods grade exhibit; models of farm buildings loaned bv Oregon State College, Corvallis, Oregon; models of farm buildings developed at Washington State College, Pulhnan, Wash., including a bull pen and safety appliances, a portable hog house and an improved type of chicken house; an exhibit of West Coast woods grades; a model of an old house being modernized by mechanicallv animated miniature workmen-.
Ar.ch Nelson and John Morley, of the Homestead Lumber Co., Sacramento, were in San Fra.ncisco recently on a business trip.