2 minute read
Property Damage in Storm Area Large
The estimated damage to private and public property in the five Southern California counties affected, due to one of the most destructive storms in its history, has been placed at over $40,000,000. The loss of life is reported at about one hundred.
The total rainfall for the four-day storm, February 28 to March 3, as reported by the U. S. Weather Bureau at Los Angeles, was 11.06 inches
Many bridges were damaged or destroyed, miles of highway were washed out, and hundreds of houses and other buildings were wholly or partially destroyed.
Public and private property damage in the Los Angeles coastal area has been estimated at over $15,000,000, and within the city limits of Los Angeles it is reported as approximately $5,000,000. Property and equipment loss to the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power is reported at $3,000,000.
Estimated costs of reconstruction and repair of roads, bridges and culverts in the unincorporated Los Angeles area are placed at about $2,000,000.
The cost of reconstruction and repair of state highways in the storm area is estimated at about $4,00O,00O.
The damage in San Bernardino county is reported at about $8,000,000, including nearly $3,000,000 for rebuilding public works and highways.
In the other counties the loss has been estimated as follows: Orange county, more than $3,000,000; Ventura county, over $2,00O,00O; and Riverside cottnty, about $500,000.
The loss to the railroads, due to bridges and tracks washed out, is estimated to be around $3,000,000.
It is reported that the damage to private property has been placed as high as $2,000,000. Hundreds of houses were inundated, many being wholly or partially destroyed. In the Los Angeles area about 1,50O houses and other buildings were reported damaged at a loss of $350,000. Over 1,@0 houses were reported to be partially damaged or destroyed in Orange County. Several hundred cabins and houses in the mountain canyon resorts were reported damaged or lost. Landslides did considerable damage to hillside homes.
Back From Business Trip
P. M. (Pete) Cowbrough, sales manager, Meadow Valley Lumber Co., Spanish Ranch, Plumas Co., has returned to the mill from a business trip tq San Francisco and Los Angeles.
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