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De7rt. !3b-24, 816 Wet Fifth St., Loa Angeles' Calif.
A National Organization to lmprove and Extend the Uses of Concrete
Los Angcles Leadg in Pacific Coast Building During February
Although the Pacific Coast showed an increase of 8.7 per. cent in February 1938 over February 1937, activity recorded a decline of 5.8 percent, according to 'Western Monthly Building Survey, prepared by H. R. Baker & Co., California investment banking firm.
Permits from the 86 leading Pacific Coast cities totaled $15,918,9CI in February 1938 compared with $14,636,451 in the same month last year. A total of 8268 permits were issued last month compared with 8437 in the same month last year. California reported a total of.91t,523,234 in building permits in February compared with $t2,241,124 in February 1937. Idaho, 'New Mexico, Oregon, Washington, Wyoming and British Columbia showed increases in building activity, while decreases were reported by Arizona, Colorado, Montana, Nevada and Utah.
25 Pacific Coast cities which showed the largest volume of permits in February recorded a total of $13,117,384, which was an increase over both the preceding month and the same month last year. In January these same cities reported a total of $12,959,353 and in February 1937 amounted to $10,978,195.
Los Angeles again ranked first with $4,I53,n2. Seattle advanced from ninth to second place, with a total of $1,150,470. San Francisco retained third position and was followed by Salem, Long Beach, Sacramento, San Diego, Ontario, Vancouver, B. C. and Portland, all of which had more than $400,000 in permits. Other cities in the first 25 included in their respective order: Oakland, Glendale, San Jose, Spokane, Fresno, Pasadena, Beverly Hills, Santa l{onica, Bakersfield, Alhambra, Burbank, Tacoma, Pomona. Victoria, B. C. and San Mateo.
The following cities showed increases over both the preceding month and the same month last year: Seattle, Salem, Sacramento, Ontario, Vancouver, B. C., San Jose, Spokane, Fresno, Pasadena, Tacoma, Pomona, and Victoria.
Those which showed an increase in February over Jannary but not February, 1937, were San Diego, Portland, Santa Monica, Alhambra and San Mateo. The following cities showed increases in February, 1938, over February, 1937,but not January, 1938: Los Angeles, Long Beach and Bakersfield.
Salem, Ontario, Tacoma, Victoria, San Mateo and Pasadena were added to the ranking group of 25 cities during the month.
Klamath Falls and Salem both had sizable increases in permits, due to exceptionally large building projects, Klamath Falls having a $100,000 addition to its high school included in its permits during the month.
LeRoy H. Stanton, president of E. J. Stanton & Son. Los Angeles, left home February 4th for a seven weeks' trip through the lumber buying districts of the North, East, and South. His particular effort on this trip will be exploiting his new line of Philippine Mahogany. He will 'cover the hardwood using sections of the country before returning home.
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Sugcn Pine